
GATTACA Movie Summary

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GATTACA Movie Summary
Summary Eugenics is the discipline of improving the human population by increasing the occurrence of appealing traits. Genetic engineering has been the pivotal of science moving forwards. However, it has also represented the darkest fear in society. This new form of technology is the epitome expression of human control, deciding the shape and way, one should be. With genetic engineering on the rise, there are now procedures such as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), a procedure by which embryos are checked for genetic abnormalities before the preferred embryos are implanted via in vitro fertilisation. This system was initially used to avert the birth of children with deleterious genetic disorders. However, it is now used for disputable reasons such as selection for sex.
Relationship to Research There is the common fear that genetic
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Thus, a person access to a high-ranking job is based on what their genetic information entails. This indicates one’s genetic information is considered more definitive and predictive that any data, meaning that one cannot change their genes and that genes can tell about one’s future1. GATTACA demonstrates the actions of this trend, a world where a person’s only perception of identity comes from their genes. With recent advances in genetics, the potential for reproductive manipulation is increasing. Couples going through in vitro fertilisation can now have their embryos tested for any genetic defects through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)2. Nowadays, PGD is used by soon to be parents to screen embryos before pregnancy to avoid detrimental genetic disorders, and more debatable, to select for sex3,4. However, as genetics have gained more exposure in public, concerns have also been raised about the consequences of advancement in reproductive such as using gene therapy to amplify certain genes in

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