only is not adequate language input in teaching students with hearing impairments. Research shows that learning sign language does not hinder the development of the spoken language. In fact, students exposed to both sign and oral language display an increase of syntactic complexity that those exposed to only one form of language.
Language and play in students with multiple disabilities and visual impairments of deaf blindness This article focuses on the importance of play in language development and its challenging process.
Research shows that the relationship between play behavior and communication skills appear at the same time. Children who are blind engage less frequently in exploration, spontaneous, or imitational play. Research shows that development of play and communication skills are linked. Teachers can use intentional play techniques and strategies to reinforce the development of language and communication. Paly is a valuable resource for evaluating and monitoring the development of language and a variety of other skills. However, more research is needed to determine what communication skills are related to the specific area of …show more content…
Teaching the meaning of words to children with visual impairments
Research on language development in students with visual impairment are limited and often, explored.
This paper focused on teaching visual impaired children the meaning of words. Visual impaired children show problems with elaborating on words. Students are capable of using words in correctly in proper sentences but do not always comprehend the full meaning of words. The research focused on teaching children with visual impairment that meaning of words such as far away, close by, and abstract words. Far away words describe objects that are far away (moon, airplane), too large to touch in entirety (rivers, cars), fragile objects (dirt, smoke), and tiny objects (dust, bugs). Close by words are words that children learn through their senses other than vision. Abstract words refer to words that do not have concrete reference. This research focused on teaching the meaning of these types of words with help of mothers. More research is needed in language development focusing on categorizing and verbalizing objects
The senses provide information needed to All of the research has shown that children with sensory disabilities and language development is limited and often, unexplored. Early detention, early access, and intentional teaching of language is extremely important for students with sensory disabilities. Also, it is important to teaching language in more than one way including play and sensory play.