Group 8 최영기, 김현태, 홍권, 정혁, Jeremiah Jerry, Ezaty
Profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger
How many swear words do you already know?
Ass Asshole Bitch Bullocks Cock Cunt Cum Cuntface Fuck Motherfucker Shit Son of a bitch / whore Butt Anus Female dog Ball Reproductive organ (male) Reproductive organ (female) Semen Fugly Act of sexual intercourse Person who fucks his or her mum Feces Son of a bitch or whore
Babi Bodoh Sial Pukimak Hisap Batang Hisap tetek aku Pig Idiot Son of a bitch Your mother’s pussy Suck cock Suck my tits
Kuma Maka Msenge wewe Unafirwa wewe Kuma wewe Your mum’s pussy Your gay Sexual intercourse of gay Your pussy
What kinds of swear words do you use in your own language?
Korean - English Sexual intercourse Reproductive Organs Idiotic Animalize
Babi - Pig One of the rudest word in Malaysia Malaysia is a Muslim country and Islam is restricted to pork. The religion has food restrictions according to their own dietary laws, which is “Halaal”
Msenge Wewe - Gay One of the rudest word in Tanzania Homosexuality is not forgived in Tanzania. It’s new to their culture. It is also defined as man is using you.
Have you ever spotted some differences between the swear language women and men use?
Men tend to use the rudest one. Men use swear words more than women do. - To establish a masculine identity or to express group solidarity. Men tend to use more swear words related to sexual intercourse and reproductive organs than women do.
Men (1) You’re a pussy, dick, jerk, cunt (2) What/Why/How/When the fuck
Women (1) You’re a bitch, ass, shit (2) What/Why/How/When the hell
Men (1) Unafirwa (2) Pumbaru (silly)
Women (1) Malaya wewe (your bitch) (2) Mshenzi (nasty attitude and behavior)
Men often use swear words to show or express friendliness ; Women don’t. Hey what the fuck?! How the fuck did you get here?