In this cartoon, Mike Luckovich is referring to the controversial use of the word “nigger” within Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Luckovich wants his audience to note the changes in the meaning of the “n-word” over time. In the early 19th century, the “n-word” was a common term used to identify an African American. In today’s society, this word can often be heard throughout pop culture and rap lyrics, which is why the young boy has mistakenly referred to Mark Twain as one of the great “gangsta rappers.” However, Luckovich uses this scenario to indirectly explain that since the “n-word” is considered an acceptable identification of an African American in modern music, why should it not be allowed within Twain’s work?…
Introducing two opposing forces, a Michigan man and the state of Michigan in a battle of upholding civil rights and a case of profanity. Stephanie Simon, author of the article, “Michigan Man Swears by His right to Use Profanity,” goes to on to discuss a case of man versus state. Simon writes for civil rights advocates explaining the two sides of the case involved with Timothy Boomer and Standish, Michigan. She included a casual tone within her work that was relatable and gave off a feeling of familiarity that allowed the readers to be more at ease. Furthermore, her explanation was strong as the article was resourceful, including multiple reliable sources within her work. Giving the impression this topic was well prepared and strong.…
Swear words and obscenities are surrounded by negative insinuations that are frowned upon in society. This is why that when these words are used, people tend to become offended because these remarks are clearly an insult. Curse words are some of the most negative words used in language and by using them against others, the message can become even more harmful to the individual. In the article “The F Word”, Dumas’s brother’s original Iranian name Farshid became ‘Fartshit” (Dumas). By associating one’s name to a curse word, there are no implications about what the antagonizer thinks of the person.…
Popular media in our society exposes what we have collectively decided is passable behavior. If it can be published in Hollywood without the backlash of its audience, then it’s socially exceptable. In the case of such movies as Tropic Thunder, as observed by author Patricia E Bauer, while those unaffected by the movie’s harsh language may not care, it shouldn’t be so easy to dismiss those that were. The apathy in regards to the mentally disabled is a testament to a past of fear and lack of understanding towards them. Though the taboo behind the word is recognizable to us at this point, to many it’s still ok to use as long as they “didn’t mean it like that”. Bauer doesn’t have an issue with the word in its intended form. It’s the twisted use…
Throughout the world there are many different views on the use of swear words in everyday life. From evening family slot times to late night tv shows, cursing in society is slowly becoming part of our “normal” day to day language. Whether or not it is accepted is something different. Society has often labeled swearing one of two things: as an extreme type of language only used by the uneducated or the greatest use of power words that should be used by any and all people. Though swearing is offensive to many, it is proven to be a major extension of our vocabulary and should be tolerated and understood to a greater extent.…
This analysis first defines profanity. Then, one profanity was selected for analysis. Next, controlling variables that generally occasion the use of the target profanity were outlined. Last, substitutions for the target profanity were evaluated to determine a) whether or not they are controlled by similar controlling variables and b) if they function to produce the same result as the target profanity.…
Should cussing be socially acceptable or should it remain offensive among present day society? In the article “Cuss Time” by author Jill McCorkle she proposes that cussing should be acceptable in moderation. The article speaks of how it restricts freedom of expression and takes away from thoughts. But that simply cannot be the case though as cuss words really don’t have a place in society now and have never had one before. Society should refrain from repulsive language as it is not acceptable in most environments, it hinders your linguistic ability, although some people argue that it has certain benefits.…
References: American Heritage, 2000. American Heritage dictionary of the English Language: Houghton Mifflin Company {Online}. Available at:…
Language acts as a catalyst for sexual violence in other ways. On a college campus, sexually degrading terms are used as frequently as a beer bong on game day – excessively and without question. By deeming women sluts, whores or bitches in both sexual and not sexual contexts, our society normalizes patriarchal values and gender inequality. When a woman is called a “slut,” she is dehumanized and objectified – two of the driving forces behind sexual…
The United States Constitution gives Americans many rights. One of those rights is the freedom of speech. A controversy has erupted in the United States because the government is unable to determine the limitations on this right. "In early America when our forefathers wrote the Constitution, profanity was not accepted" (Shoeder 72). This makes determining the true definition of "speech" difficult. A majority of people believe profanity is an acceptable form of language. These people feel that they are free to say what they want without worrying about the rights of others. Due to this insensitivity, a child has a hard time walking down a street without hearing offensive words. For example, there is a man standing on a street corner harassing another person. The child hears profane words used by the man, and from this the child relates anger with profanity. Another example is a woman seen arguing with a cashier using profanity in an attempt to get her way, and the child with her begins to believe that to get your way you must cruse. A third example is a waitress having a bad day, and taking it out on the customers the child in the booth next to the customers and the waitress is thinking that this is a proper way to communicate. All of these examples are using improper language for children to hear (Shoeder 72). Parents are then expected to explain and make excuses for the vocabulary being used by others. Profanity has become uncontrollable and has had a great role in the moral decay of our society. The main goal for parents and government officials should be the regulation of profanity in the United States.<br><br>Adults are formed through the experiences of their childhood. The way a person acts and speaks is often determined at a young age. When a parent uses profanity, a child may feel free to also use these words. For instance, a mother may not intentionally use profanity when cutting her finger while in the kitchen. As a result of the mother 's action, a child…
Gove, Philip Babcock. Webster 's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2000. Print.…
First, uncensored that many of us listen to is obviously getting to the younger generation. When a juvenile hears a new word, they’ll remember it very quickly and use it all the time, even if they do not know what the word actually means. So what is going to happen if that word is a swear word they heard from a song on the radio? They will use it all the time and consequently, most children will be using profanity. “You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.” wrote Doctor Seuss on Becoming a Writer, NY Times (May 21, 1986) It also means that children can learn more words from a song they’re listening to than they can in a classroom.…
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.…
[American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company]…
4. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company)…