Plant biodiversity is relatively low in mangrove ecosystems, especia lly in higher altitudes and the Americas. The mangroves with the highest biodiversity are locat ed in the mangroves of Papua New Guinea, …show more content…
Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Mangroves vary in height from shrubs to giant 40 metre trees and have adapted to live in considerably harsh conditions. Many of the plants have adapted prop roots which are essential to their stability in the waterlogged soil. Pneumatophores are erect roots which rise up from the soil breathing in oxygen and air using lenticels pores which allow the diffusion of oxygen.
A great example of the types of flora and fauna that habituate in mangrove ecosystems can be observed in the Galapagos Islands where they have evolved so extensively in isolation that they now appear very different from their mainland ancestors.
There are 560 native species of plants in the islands with 180 of them being endemic to the islands. For example, Galapagos has its very own, endemic species of cotton, pepper, guava, passion flower and tomato with some of them being grouped in their own endemic genera. Plants are also adapted to having very few insects or other animals to pollinate their flowers or disperse their fruits and seeds. The Islands have a wide array of endemic fauna, invertebrates, birds, reptiles and a few mammals native to the islands rather than introduced, for example the Galapagos tortoise and many species of iguana. The fauna of the ocean is as varies as the terrestrial fauna with species of sharks, rays, fur seals, sea lions, whales, dolphins, starfish, marine iguanas, penguins and …show more content…
Mangrove forests can be characterized by zonation where particular species exist in certain niches within the ecosystem and can be distinguished by their tolerance of salinity and water logging as well as the amount of sediment available:
Red mangroves- found closest to coasts where they take the full force of wave action, protect inland areas and can survive permanent water logging.
Black mangroves- live further inland protected by red mangroves. They have lenticels pores to obtain oxygen but cannot survive permanent water logging.
White mangroves- live further inland and have the lowest tolerance to water logging.
Importance and services: Mangroves provide a vast range of ecosystem services:
Production of fish, algae and invertebrates
Production of timber, fuel wood, fibres, dyes and construction materials
Regulation of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide sequestration
Regulation of interactions between different tropic levels
Removal of excess nutrients and pollutants (phosphates and nitrates)
Retention of soils and prevention of shoreline erosion
Buffer zone (protects form storm surges, floods, and hurricanes
Habitat for species (70% of tropical commercial fish)
Sediment retention and accumulation of organic matter
Storage, recycling, processing, and acquisition of nutrients
Adding up the contributions of all the services provided by mangroves, gives intact mangroves an economic value of $1000 per hectare at least and up to $36,000 a hectare. However using this land for shrimp aquaculture can decrease this value to as little as $200.
This type of aquaculture has been practised in Thailand for over 60 years using a traditional ‘extensive production’ method where shrimp were trapped in salt beds and padi fields around estuaries before being harveste d when mature. The government heavily encouraged this aquaculture in the 70s as a means of boosting Thailand’s economy. Thailand’s shrimp industry has satisfied global demand, with the US importing half a million tonnes of shrimp, and is ever expanding due to the increased demand in Thailand from improved economic conditions. Despite the obvious benefits of this, such as improved infrastructure in rural areas and reduced migration to Bangkok, there have been considerable negatives:
Effluent waste contains decaying food and chemicals which can cause harmful effects on flora and fauna if discharged into the water. Conflicts arise because of this
There is a constant threat of disease and the spreading of infection
There is a depletion of biodiversity in shrimp farms and surrounding areas
Threats: Global warming: 10% of people live less than 10m above sea level. Global warming will lead to the positive Albedo effect leading to increased ice melting and sea level rise and Greenpeace has predicted a worst case scenario of a 95cm rise in sea level which would lead to the retreating of 100-200m of land. Mangroves act as a buffer zone against hurricanes, storms and floods, which are predicted to increase in intensity due to global warming, by acting as a barrier. As well as this they also protect against erosion. However rising sea levels could lead to the complete submergence of mangroves making coastal areas more vulnerable to extreme weather.
Over-harvesting: Mangroves provide a range of services including fuel wood, charcoal and construction material. Even though this has been taking place for centuries, it is no longer sustainable as it is risking the needs of future generations.
Over-exploitation of marine life: Unregulated fishing takes place which is depleting sources of fish, prawns and other species. As soon as one species become uneconomic to fish, another one is targeted. This results in loss of biodiversity, jobs, and lower returns. This depletion is also heavily influencing the food webs which exist in mangrove ecosystems.
Tourism: Mangroves have a negative view in the eyes of many who perceive it as dirty, and mosquito ridden. This has lead to the lack of development of the ecosystem and the clearance of it to produce golf courses, marinas, cruise ship ports, hotels, resorts and restaurants.
Oil exploitation: has led to the degradation of mangrove ecosystems from deforestation (to acquire infrastructure for the industry), soil pH changes, and the discharge of chemical waste into the waters.
Players: There are many players involved in the protection of mangrove ecosystems from community development organisations (Yadfon), regional organizations (TVE Asia Pacific) and NGO’s such as Wetlands International.
Community mangrove forests: Yadfon is a small Thai organization established to help fishing communities, such as Chao Mai, on environmental issues and securing their future livelihoods.
The problems Chao Mai has faced include mangrove destruction to produce charcoal, and the destruction of sea grass (important nursery for commercial fish and prawns) by large fishing boats. To combat these problems Yadfon created an 80 hectare managed mangrove forest free from any type of aquaculture, as well as by raising awareness to the public on sea grass to reduce destruction. Now these mangroves are managed sustainably by the community.
Coastal Biodiversity of Ramong: this area contains the most extensive mangrove systems in Thailand (200km2) along its river estuaries. CBR is a collaborative project between the Natural History Museum in London and other local organizations funded by the EU. Its main interests are protecting biodiversity and long term environmental monitoring as well as raising awareness to local companies and the government. It has been involved in arranging meetings with local communities, open days and a youth campus based on biodiversity.
Wetlands International: is an indie NGO based on the conservation of all types of wetland. They have four main
Education to those who effect wetlands
Integrating the values and functions of wetlands to sustainable development
Conservation and sustainable yield of wetlands through effective water use
Large scale initiatives to improve conservation and ecological networks.
Saving greenbelts: the role of greenbelts on protecting local communities was brought to light after the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004. TVE Asia Pacific has created a show called ‘saving greenbelts’ which uses media to raise awareness of environmental, developmental and social issues surrounding greenbelts. Local communities have responded by preventing further degradation to mangroves. This includes an old law which allows locals to manage their mangroves and transform areas devastated by shrimp and charcoal industries.
Had Chao Mai Marine National Park: This is one of ten designated areas of wetland located in Trang Province. The area contains a range of wetland habitats including coral reefs and mangroves with 212 species of birds, 22 mammal species and 75 species of fish all of which are critical to the local people’s livelihoods. Chao Mai is home to 10,000 people, many of whom earn their living form fisheries and rely on wetlands as a source of water and agriculture/ aquaculture. 250,000 tourists visit each year, adding to the income opportunities of the locals. There are many treats to the site including:
Habitat change
Over fishing
Lack of pollution control