Many researches stated that learning a language is better started from early age because in this stage the children will be easier to acquire the language, sooner they start learning, more proficient they will be in using the language. Therefore, presently, English is introduced starting from kindergarten and becomes one lesson subject that must be taken in elementary school based on government’s rule in Indonesia. In this level, the children are usually called by young learners. Young learners are those who just start the formal school until they are in eleven or twelve years old.
Teaching English for young learner is not easy task as it is seen because children are interested in fun activity rather than listening to the teacher who talk in front of the class explaining something that they do not understand. What usually happened in the classroom is that teacher gives so much speech in front of the class and explains many theories and concepts of the language that the children do not understand about. Because of this reason, the children will start to get bored and play with their friends and make chaos. Then, the teacher will surrender of facing chaos in the classroom and get angry until then scold to the children that will make them feel afraid to study. It is not purely children mistake, but it is happened because teacher does not know how to manage the class and keep the children’s attention.
The teacher should remember that young learners are different from an adult. They are not interested in studying since they do not have motivation from learning yet. They are interested in game, story, tale, song, and other fun activities. In this case, the teacher should be able to manage the class as fun as possible and find an enjoyable ways to teaching the language naturally. It can be done by designing an activity that takes their attention. Playing such kind of games could be a best way to get the children’s attention.
References: Ara, Shaheen. (2009). Use of Songs, Rhymes and Games in Teaching English to Young Learners in Bangladesh. Journal of Linguistics 2,3: 161-172 How to teach English using games. (n.d.). Retrived December 11, 2011, from Yolageldili, Gülin & Arikan, Arda. (2011). Effectiveness of Using Games in Teaching Grammar to Young Learners. Elementary Education Online 10,1: 219-229 Vernon, S. A. Benefits of using games in the classroom. Retrieved on December 20, 2009, from