Art History 70B!
MW 6:30-7:45!
Essay #1 – Description of a Work of Art!
I have chosen Hieronymus Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights (open). It is a
triptych with each wing measuring in at 7’2 ½” by 3’2” and the center piece is 7’2 ½” by
6’4 3/4”. It was painted with oil on wood panel. Bosch painted it starting 1505 and finished it 1515. The painting can be found at Mueseo del Prado, Madrid. !
The left wing of the triptych is a landscape with Adam portrayed naked sitting
down with his feet out looking at the face of God who is wearing a peach colored robe and is holding the hand of Eve who is knelling next to him. Directly in front of them there are multiple types of animal like creatures that are in and around what seems to be a small pond. There is a tree that is left of Adam that has some fruit on it, I imagine that to be the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Then from behind the fruit tree there are some bushes that mark the bottom half of the painting. Directly above the bushes there is a oval shaped body of water with a rock in the middle that has a highly intricate pink phallic structure with two birds sitting one on each side. To the right of the body of water there is a island with lizard like animals crawling onto the warm shore that has a palm tree. If you go to the left of the page above the lake there is a smaller body of water with some horse like animals drinking from the water, including a unicorn. Then as the land scape moves back there are some hills that have the occasional tree and animal among them, including a white giraffe and a grey elephant. Then in the back left there is a intricate pointed hill that has some birds flying in a “S” shape through some holes. To finish the painting there are some dark pointed mountains in the upper right corner and the sky at the whole top of the painting.!
This whole middle part of the painting is in