Class: CK1A/TP1A
Tutor: Deirdre Donnelly
Technique: Collection of Work
Assignment Name: Personal & Business Documents
Weighting: 15%
Hand out Date: 11th October 2013
Submission Date: 8th November 2013
You are required to produce three pieces of work, as follows:
1. A hand-written personal letter or personal piece
2. A typed letter of application and Curriculum Vitae
3. A typed Notice and Agenda
Further details on the specific guidelines for each piece of work and how it will be assessed are provided overleaf.
I ………………………………………confirm that I have read and understand the above information. I confirm that the work submitted is entirely my own work and where work other than my own has been used this has been acknowledged.
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1. Personal Letter
Task: Write a personal letter of thanks to a friend or relative who has given you a gift on an occasion of your choice or write a personal piece expressing your own personal experiences, thoughts and feelings. It may the form of a poem, song or a short story
Guidelines: The letter or personal piece should be hand written on one side of a page. Use good quality unlined paper.
Assessment Criteria
Current personal letter or personal story conventions should be used (see notes/textbook)
An appropriate tone should be used
The letter/personal story should be free of spelling and punctuation errors
A draft of the letter or personal story should also be submitted
Personal Letter
1.5 – 1.9
2 – 2.3
2.4 – 3
Max Mark
Layout, Presentation & Handwriting
Some elements of correct layout used. Adequate presentation. Handwriting is legible.
Correct layout used in most of letter or personal story . Good presentation. Good handwriting.
Correct layout used throughout letter or personal story. Excellent