SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: On completion of seminar students will be able to * Define gastro oesophageal reflux disease * Enlist the risk factors for GERD * Explain the pathophysiology of GERD * List down clinical manifestations GERD * Describe the management of GERD. * Enlist the complications of GERDINTRODUCTION
Gastro oesophageal reflux disease is a common, lifelong condition that requires long term treatment. GERD is the most common upper GI problem seen in adults. Some degree of gastro oesophageal reflex is normal in both adults & children. Excessive reflux may occur because of an in competent lower oesophageal sphincter, pyloric stenosis or a motility disorder. Many patients have (NERD) Non erosive reflux disease show no sign of oesophageal inflammation.
1. Gastro oesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which gastric recreations reflux into oesophagus. (Linda s. William, 2003)
2. GERD entails the reflux of gastric & duodenal contents through the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) into the oesophagus to cause symptoms or injury to oesophageal, oropharyngeal or respiratory tissues. (Neil R.Floch, 2010) 3. GERD is a heterogeneous syndrome resulting from oesophageal reflux. (Phipps, Monnahon, 2003)
4. GERD is a syndrome with clinically significant symptomatic
Bibliography: * Lewis, Heitkemper, Dirksen. (2004). Medical surgical nursing. (6th Edition). St. Lewis: Mosby Publishers. PP(895-898) * Brunner, Suddarth (2009). Medical Surgical Nursing (10th ed) Philadelphia PP1789-1790). * Ignatavicuis, Workman (2010).Medical Surgical Nursing. (2010) St. Lewis. Saunders Elsevier PP(776-779) * Sands, Phipps, Etal (2003). Medicasl Surgical Nursing (7th Edition). St. Lewis. Mosby Publishers PP(1771-1775) * Joyce,M ,Black. Medical Surgical Nursing.(7th edn)vol2. Saunders publishers.pp(1871-1873)