
Gathering and Evaluating Week 2

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Gathering and Evaluating Week 2
Gathering and Evaluating Information
Caitlyn Matthews
COM 220
July 29, 2011

Gathering and Evaluating Information
Appendix D

Strategies for Gathering Information Source(Formatted using APA style guidelines) | What makes the source credible or noncredible? | What information can you gather from this source? | Williams J. Krouse (February 3, 2011). Gun Control Legislation. Retrieved July 29, 2011, from | This article would be considered credible, because this article was written by a person who not only speaks/ shows facts about gun control; but is a specialist in Domestic Security and Crime Policy through Congress Research Projects. | This article talks and explains, the laws about guns in the U.S, how many people were killed, how many guns are in the U.S and some past events such as Tucson, AZ 2011. | Don. B. Kates & Gary Mauser (March 1. 2007). Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A review of International and Some Domestic Evidence. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p649-694, 46p. Retrieved on July 29, 2011, from | I would say this is a creditable source as both authors have a background and/or a degree in some type of criminology. And because they show facts. | This article discusses the fact that just because there are more guns in the world doesn’t mean that’s the reason more deaths are happening. They show proof of murder rates. And discuses why or why not making guns illegal would help reduce murder. | KWON, Ik-Whan G. & Baack, Daniel w. (April 2005).The Effectiveness of Legislation Controlling Gun Usage: A Holistic Measure of Gun Control Legislation. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 64 Issue 2, 533p-47.Retrieved on July 29, 2011 from, | This

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