Comm 20
Kelly Glass
October 23, 2013
Informative Speech Outline
Topic: Gun Control
Organizational pattern: Topical
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the controversial subject gun control.
Primary audience outcome: I want my audience to know the two sides on the topic of gun control.
Thesis statement: Gun control will create laws and licensing to possess a gun to help decrease crime and fatalities, but also people believe gun control is going against our constitutional right to “bear arms” and will not help save lives.
Attention- getter: What would you do if somebody came into this classroom and pointed a gun at you as if they were going to kill you for no reason? First thing that would come to mind is, “Am I really going to die right now” and “Why is a person on campus with a gun trying to kill people?” Sad part is, an event like this has happened many times in the past. For instance, the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting as well as the Colorado movie theatre shooting that all took place within the past year[example]. These mass shootings have brought up the issue of controlling who is able to purchase guns and if it is safe and necessary to roam around in public armed with a weapon.
Purpose: With that, I’m going to inform you on the two controversial sides of gun control. Gun control is important because we can be affected due to our safety, but also the constitution states we have the right to bear arms and are able to arm ourselves for protection. This is important to our generation because crime is rising and we want to always be safe in our society. I’ve done plenty of research because it’s important to myself to feel safe in wherever I go, and I want to make sure people are safe at all costs.
Thesis Statement & Main Points: Gun control will create laws and licensing to possess a gun to help decrease crime and fatalities from gun shootings, but also people believe gun control is going against our
References: Mountjoy, J. (2013). THE GUN DEBATE. Capitol Ideas, 56(3), 42-45. Gun Control Overview. (2013). Congressional Digest, 92(3), 3-7. Henderson, H. (2000). (Introduction to Gun-Related Issues). In, Gun Control New York, NY: Facts on File.