In the movie, parents can choose their children’s abilities before they born. Genetic manipulation is common. With this people try to get rid of disease genetics. If a person born in natural ways, they call them ‘‘invalid’’. ‘‘Invalid’’ people do not have some rights compared with other born with genetic manipulation. It can also be called eugenics. The term "eugenics" was first coined by France Galton in 1883 to mean 'truly' or 'purely' born. Genetic manipulation is not for humans for now. But maybe, in future, everyone will pick some skills for their baby. …show more content…
Another topic in the movie is Vincent’s dreams about space.
He cannot reach his goals because he is ‘‘invalid’’. He started to work at Gattaca as a cleaner. Gattaca is a corporation that launches rockets to the furthest moons of Saturn, Titan. In a day, lots of rocket launch. After he enters Gattaca in a better position, at the end of the movie he reaches his goal and goes to Saturn. Now, humans cannot go to Saturn. But, maybe in the future, people may go to Saturn and other planets like going to Earth’s satellite, the moon. Wit these, it is a topic that make Gattaca science fiction
Because of Vincent’s ‘‘invalid’’ status, he cannot excel Gattaca in a better position. He met a person in who is an agent when he enters Gattaca. He takes Vincent to Jerome Eugene, who was an athlete, but became paralyzed. They had a contract. Marrow transports his genetics to Vincent. With this, Vincent uses Jerome’s genetics and seems like he is ‘‘valid’’ in tests. So, he has accepted to be an employee in Gattaca with Jerome’s genetics. In Gattaca, Dr. Lamar is a doctor who administers DNA tests of workers in Gattaca. Later, Dr. Lamar says that he knows Vincent has been using Eugene’s samples to pose as a “valid,” but he does not expose Vincent. Vincent injects Jerome’s DNA’s, he uses his eye genetics, fingerprint genetics for entering Gattaca. It is not something it can be done today.
In conclusion, Gattaca is a science fiction movie that shows us what can be done in future about, genetic engineering and rocket science. All these in movie based on some theories. So maybe those things in the movie will be applied in the future, if these sciences evolve. This movie makes people to do research about topic.