Listo Systems is a graphic service agency with a long history of success. In the early 1990s, the company quickly grew into one of the top graphic service companies in the world.
The rapid growth of technology in recent years has both helped and hindered the company. Advancements in technology have allowed Listo Systems to provide quality services and products faster and more efficiently. However, new technology has also been beneficial for Listo Systems’ competitors. The competition has grown significantly in number and in the quality of services and products that they provide. The increase in technology has also led to an increase in customer demands and expectations. Customers want services and products faster and cheaper and will go to a competitor without hesitation if their needs are not met. The advancements in technology have also created new threats to the industry in terms of security and theft of products.
Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 1. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers:
1. How has Listo Systems felt the impact of power shifting from the Seller to the Buyer?
Ignorance of customer behavior is the greatest strategic risk facing businesses today. Every day they vote with their time, with their word of mouth, with their money and with their allegiance, for the business designs that best serve their evolving priorities. The results of their shifting decisions are value creation and value destruction. Customers determine profits.
In many markets, not all customers are profitable. An examination of true pricing and the true costs of serving customers may reveal that a company is actually losing money on many customer accounts. The shift from "all customers are profitable" to "many are not" has been triggered by declining gross margins and increasing variability in the cost to serve customers. Suppliers