Factors In Favor of and Against Legalizing Gay Marriage in the United States
David Vance
May 28, 2012
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Instructor Verhaegh
Argosy University
Factors In Favor of and Against Legalizing Gay Marriage in the United States
Proposal/ Issue:
Gay marriage should be legalized in the United States.
Six Reasons For: Weakest to Strongest 1. Other countries (Denmark, Canada etc.) have legalized gay marriage. (Bidstrup, 2009) The United States prides itself on being the forefront and a leader in all things so they should be leading the way for gay marriage as well. 2. The definition of what a family is has changed significantly in the United States in the last 20 years. There is no such thing as a traditional family anymore. (Hansen, 2006) 3. The institution of marriage is actually strengthened by allowing gay marriage. Living as a married couple creates a stronger family nucleus and commitment for the people involved. Gay couples demonstrate the same values as heterosexual couples such as loyalty and monogamy. (Bidstrup, 2012) 4. Gay marriage is a legal issue, not a religious matter. There should be a separation of church and state where marriage is concerned. A Justice of the Peace can legally marry people, so churches are not required to marry same sex couples if it infringes upon their doctrine and beliefs. (Bidstrup, 2012) 5. Gay people pay taxes in this country just like everyone else does so they should be able to able to get married just like heterosexual taxpayers. 6. Gay marriage should be made legal as a matter of civil rights. If we truly live in a country where all men are created equal, then that should be extended to everyone, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual preference etc. (Hansen, 2006)
Strongest Reason For:
Gay marriage should be made legal as a matter of civil rights. If we truly live in a
References: Bidstrup, Scott (2009, June 3). Gay Marriage, The Arguments And The Motives. Retrieved [May 25, 2012], from http://www.bidstrup.com/marriage.htm Fairchild, M. (2012). What does the bible say about marriage?. Retrieved from http://christianity.about.com/od/faqhelpdesk/i/biblemarriage_2.htm Hansen, V. (2006, June 23). Ethical arguments for legalizing gay marriage. Retrieved from http://voices.yahoo.com/ethical-arguments-legalizing-gay-marriage-46646.html Merriam-Webster. (2012, May 28). Marriage. Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/marriage