Liz disadvantage outweigh her advantages. The only factor that could be considered an
Advantage would be the fact that she is African American and her promotion to the managerial level
Means she would be the first African American to be a manager at the level. The second candidate is Roy, who is 57 family man. He is a loyal to company, he has held the same job for 20 years and a lot of job experience. His disadvantage is his age which will cause he not to fulfill job duties
The last candidate who is vying eagerly for the promotion is Quang Yeh. She is young Asian American with strong academic qualification. She is consistent, laborious and highly focused individual. She is determined to be successful and can go any distance to match her actions with her
What are the ethical and legal considerations for Lael?
Lael cannot be biased and must be the decision with an open mind. Leal must make decision for the best interest of the company and not the individual. Lael should give the position to the most deserving person.
Identify the pressures that have made her promotion decision an ethical and legal issue.
Lael is in an ethical dilemma. She has been in constant pressure since the time when her superiors asked her to make the decision. The pressure not making the wrong choice is strong made a wrong choice. Lael is emotionally connected to Liz, so if she promote her she is risking acting in favoritism. If she appoint Roy people say she was just trying to safe her job. If she appoint QuangYeh she may be giving into bribery.