Gebusi Clan membership passes down to the next generation from father to son. In the US most families are patrilinial as well though some natives groups like the Hopi are matralineal.
What is the siay sagra?
A feast leading up to Gebusi male initiation that establishes which sponsors would be responsible for supplying various items such as costumes, arrows and gifts to each initiate.
What is bebagum, and how was it significant in the initiates’ appearance?
The Gebusi have marriages arranged by their parents to people outside …show more content…
What happens during this time?
Turner begins by defining liminal individuals or entities as “neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between the positions assigned and arrayed by law, custom, convention, and ceremony.” He then goes on to name the non-structure or anti-structure that he continuously refers to in “Betwixt and Between” through such concepts as the “realm of pure possibility” and structural invisibility. He chooses the Latin term “communitas” to express this idea of anti-structure, and refers to social structure and communitas as “two major ‘models’ for human interrelatedness.”
The bad rain and weather might have messed up this ceremony for us—but how did the Gebusi handle it? What happened in the longhouse after the rain? How did reciprocity play a …show more content…
What did he like about it? What was his reasoning for the loss of traditional Gebusi religion?
One major difference is that Seventh Day Adventists believe the Bible, but they do not fully recognize the division between the Old and New Testaments. The Mormons believe the Bible also, but they have additional books that they believe are equal.
What was significant about Doliay’s transformation?
"The most dramatic case of religious transformation was undoubtedly that of Doliay." He married Boyl in the late 1980's. Killed Sabowey for the death of Boyl, then turned himself into the Nomad police, and was sentenced to six years in prison. He came back, converted to Christianity, and a very good follower of God.
What happens when Uwano dies? What was different about it than Bruce’s previous witnessing of Gebusi death?
The Gebusi have marriages arranged by their parents to people outside of their tribe. There is also sister-marriage, where if a sister likes her brother's new wife's brother, she might marry him, ensuring familial harmony.
Describe the market scene in chapter 8—who is selling what, for how much, why, and how this is quite different than Bruce’s first encounters with a different economy 20 years