Alunsina’s hardworking husband wanted to bring order to the confused universe. He was the one who arranged the heavenly bodies and maintained order and regularity in the world. One day, Tungkung Langit went for a long journey to organize time for the world. Alunsina could not help but send the breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit. When the god knew of the spy, sent by his wife, he got mad at his wife and told her a lot of hateful things. For Tungkung Langit, Alunsina’s act was very ungodly by getting jealous since there were no gods in the world except for them. Alunsina did not accept this painful criticism from Tungkung Langit, so she said a lot of hurtful things to him. This led the god to drive his wife away. After this, the beautiful goddess was never seen again.
We can say that Alunsina did an unacceptable thing to the pride of Tungkung Langit by spying on his job. Alunsina was a very worrisome person who wanted to do something to stop her worry. She sent a spy so that she would feel relieved of his husband’s situation. It is also possible that Alunsina was so in love with Tungkung Langit that she did not want to be away from him. Since Tungkung Langit did all the work in maintaining order in the world, Alunsina did not have anything to do but be a wife to his husband. A wife’s role is to wait for the husband to go