Introduction to class: Imagine a criminal. Without even thinking about it, I am sure the majority of you pictured a male. You all have good reason to do so, considering the overwhelming majority of criminals are male. However, there are female criminals and my presentation is going to highlight the differences between male and female offenders, regarding types of crimes committed, their motives, with a comparison of male vs. female serial killers and sex offenders, differences in sentencing, and the differences of mental disorders among male and female inmates. I will also highlight the gender differences of employment in America’s criminal justice system.
Gender differences in the percentages of inmates currently incarcerated in prison.
• U.S prison …show more content…
Female Serial killers
Motives for male serial killers: Sex Sometimes (Sometimes meaning that the offender killed one of more of their victims for different motives) 46%, Control Sometimes 29%, Money Sometimes 19 %, Enjoyment sometimes 16%, Sex only 9%, Racism 7%, Money only 7%, Mental problems 6%, Cult- inspired sometimes 5%, Hatred 4%, Urge Sometimes 3%, Attention 2%, Enjoyment only 2%, Combination of the “preceding motives” 50%. (Hickey, p 153, 1997)
Methods for male serial killers : Some firearms : 41%, Some strangulation/suffocation 37%, Some stabbed 34%, Some bludgeoning : 26%, Firearms only 19%, Stabbed Only: 13 %, strangulation /suffocation only : 11%, Bludgeoning only : 9%, Some poison: 5%, Some drowning 3%, Other 2%, Combination of preceding methods : 42%. (Hickey, p 153, 1997)
Motives for female serial killers: Money Sometimes: 47%, Money only 27%, Control Sometimes 13%, Enjoyment sometimes 11%, Sex Sometimes 10%, Enjoyment only: 3%, Sex only 0%, Combination of the preceding motives 15 %, other motives including drug addiction, cults, cover up other crimes, children become a burden, feeling of being an inadequate parent: 24% (Hickey, p 218,