Communication is an intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence. It comes from the Latin word “commū´nic”, meaning to share. Gender communication is important in structuring and operating organizations. Men and women do have gender communication differences and priorities in communication. This is important as well in the affect on job satisfaction, but this is just one aspect of the gender relationship between manager and subordinate. Others focused on the motivational factors within the workplace and how organizational trust can fuel that motivation, along with managerial confidence.
1. Does the gender of a manager play a significant role in the job satisfaction of the employees?
2. Do the employees believe that one gender is more 'qualified' to manage than the other?
3. Why does gender inequalities in business is still common nowadays?
The term "leaders" refers to persons holding formal positions of leadership in complex organizations in industry, government, education, politics, the arts, sciences, and professions. Historically, gender precluded most females from becoming leaders in such organizations; as a result, the assumption that males were better suited than females for leadership roles was, until recently, rarely questioned. Be it nature or nurture, by the time most women and men make it to the workplace, their life experiences and expectations have been different in certain gender-based ways. Of course, as human beings, women and men share many of the same experiences and expectations. And as individuals, they are each entirely unique. In each person, all of these experiences and expectations function simultaneously: the group-based differences, the universal human similarities, and the individual attributes and quirks. This makes for a fascinating-and sometimes confusing-human landscape.