It is a received idea that a person's gender determines what they can actually do.
This pattern is a man is more aggressive, logical, and worldly. While a woman is perceived as emotional, indecisive, and easily influenced. Gender stereotyping in the workplace can actually lead to discrimination. With this mentality in the workplace it’s hard to anticipate good work ethic. That women can’t do as good as a job as men. No matter how many examples in everyday life proves this to be wrong, we always revert back to this pattern. With this stereotype programmed in the minds of many we can never fully overcome this mold. Instead of concerning ourselves about how gender affects the workplace or the process, we should concern ourselves with how work is being done. We all need to work on changing the mindset of society. Once we finally overcome this obstacle we can fully push towards what’s really
Unfortunately we still live in world where race is still an issue. Every time I turn on my television I am reminded of this. There is not a way to stop discrimination, however we can start by giving people a chance. To think about how they can be more than what we see. Just because someone is a different race apart from yours does not mean they cannot do a job well. After all should it actually matter? Is America so rigid that we cannot get past this? America is known for being a melting pot, so it's ridiculous to still have these same views as are ancestors. It did not work in the past, so why would it work in the present? This shows yet again another obstacle we still have to overcome. I would like to think not, but I'm constantly seeing the same problems happening over and over again in history. This major bump in the road can take longer than a few years to fix.Even more than my lifetime or my children's lifetime. Hopefully one day we can resolve this problem.
In any situation with you needing help hands down you would want someone to help you no matter race or gender. Therefore race or gender is not a problem.So when it comes to your psychologist nothing should be affected resulting in treatment. The objective is to get help.If someone is that concerned about the type of person that helps them it’s a deeper problem at hand.That is a personal issue within yourself that only you can fix. Everyone has different backgrounds and that should not deter you from getting help.
Given these points, nothing influences the way a psychologist researches or counsels others when it comes to gender or race. A psychologist chooses the best option or treatment when it come to a patient. Nothing comes between the objective of finding the best option.