In certain countries such as china or India where they prefer boys over girls, there is a fear of unbalancing or devaluing of females which have occurred in these countries, the unbalanced of sex.The statistics and the amount of people who were surveyed show that more prefer a son of a daughter were it would cause a nurture disruption considering the amount who would rather have a son.Those people will be less nurturing towards a daughter and the wanting of a son and be able to get that will cause an imbalance men in society and a number of women.The decrease in females if this is available to anyone for nonmedical reasons it would devalue the worth of …show more content…
Although it is very great the way it is being used non medically it still isn't really being an impact at all except for the gender wanted.The use should only be used for medical reasons due to the reasons that there are cases where a female are more likely to get sickle disease compared to males which would help lower the risk of it being passed on.Keep in mind that there are many children out there with wanting of parents and the ones who are misusing the technology there's a solution that can be used for there longing for a daughter or son.The reason this is so important is that if the restrictions are put on certain technologies such as gender selection technologies it's important for it not to be misused.There are other ways parents seeking a child of a certain gender can get what they want ,but main fact is that gender technologies should only be available for clients that have genetic disorders that can be passed down to a certain gender as well as available to those who can't conceive.There is many other reasons as well being that parents have for ages had children and not know what the gender till a certain week or birth having this luxury is only necessary medically because it was worked towards being used in that way. Here's a question for all who read if you had the chance to know what the gender of the fetus is and know that he or she would not carry