Women went from being thought of as weak and unable to learn to gain rights that allowed them to pursue the education and wished that they gave them the power to overthrow an unjust government. Men went from being unable to express themselves for fear of violence and undermined by society when it comes to parenting to being great fathers and great men able to share their feelings. Gender stereotypes will sadly always exist in this society. Small minded people are unable to grasp how unique and special each person is and will make fun something they don't understand. In the future, gender roles won't be such a big deal and hopefully everyone can just worry about themselves and be
Women went from being thought of as weak and unable to learn to gain rights that allowed them to pursue the education and wished that they gave them the power to overthrow an unjust government. Men went from being unable to express themselves for fear of violence and undermined by society when it comes to parenting to being great fathers and great men able to share their feelings. Gender stereotypes will sadly always exist in this society. Small minded people are unable to grasp how unique and special each person is and will make fun something they don't understand. In the future, gender roles won't be such a big deal and hopefully everyone can just worry about themselves and be