Professor S
Core 1101-BX
30 September 2013
Abraham’s Faith in his Powerful Lord
Throughout the Old Testament, God gives many challenges to the people in the sense of entire nations and individuals as well. In each situation, there was a purpose for the challenges. Sometimes God looked to see how people would act or follow the laws, and other times he simply wanted to test them. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s faith. He instructed him to travel to Moriah and offer his son Isaac to him as a burnt offering. Abraham decides to obey God and take Isaac to the place that he was told. He brought with him two of his servants and on arrival to the mountain; Isaac began to sacrifice his son. An angel of the Lord then appeared to Abraham and said to him, “Do not lay your hand on the boy, do not do the least thing to him. For I know that you fear God since you did not withhold from me your son, your only one.” This is a clear representation of Abraham’s faith in God, which is clearly illustrated throughout the passage. Verse 9 of this passage especially demonstrates Abraham’s faith because he is now constructing the tools, which would be needed to sacrifice, is son. Genesis chapter 22:9 shows Abrahams willingness to go out and physically do what God has asked, illustrating immense faith.
How do we begin to view the life of Abraham? How do we begin to understand his journey, faith, and passion? Abraham can easily be seen as a model of faith. At different points in Abraham’s journey in Scripture, God restates his promise, "…To your offspring I will give this land" (Genesis 12:7).1 At first, Abraham was given promises about a future of blessings. But later, His promise continued to unfold in more detail as Abraham journeyed through the land faithfully. Though at times, Abraham seemed doubtful and impatient to the promise: "…Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless…” (Genesis 15:2), God continued to reassure the promise.2 God fulfilled His