African American history began in a particular time and place and that was in Jamestown, Virginia in August of 1619 when about twenty Ndongans arrived through the Atlantic Slave Trade. African Americans were not seen as individuals but seen as an inferior group that was not important to history. Although many slaves came from different areas of Africa, they all shared common experiences that brought them together which lead to creating a common language (Painter). Therefore, African Americans created themselves through language, religion, and culture. In addition, African American culture is a mixture of many different traditions from West Africa in a European context. During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, highly educated people believed that Africa was a “dark continent” that had no importance or …show more content…
impact on history at all (Painter). But, Africa do have history and they proved that their race is not inferior to those who had enslaved them by the three great civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay in Africa.
According to Nell Irvin Painter, “the appalling realities of the Atlantic Slave trade, New World Slavery, and colonial domination, and poverty stigmatized African-descended people” (6). Africans and their children living in the New World lived in a culture that was very different from the immigrants that were left behind in Africa. Because the Europeans and Native Americans outnumbered them, they came across various different languages and religions (Painter). Painter mentions, “many cultural attributes such as ideology, ethics, psychology, and health emerged under the umbrella of religion” (47). Due to the fact that Africans were being oppressed, they were forced to come to terms and conditions of their new world so soon enough they forged a new identity as African Americans (Painter).
By the end of the eighteenth century, religion became an important aspect of African American identity. African Americans did not follow one type of religion because black religion was a mixture of many different traditions that came from Africa as well as the traditions of Native Americans and Europeans (Painter). Ultimately, Africans came to America with no identity, no individuality and were lumped together as a group that people saw as shameful. Therefore, African Americans created themselves through their past and their present. In other words, they drew traditions from their homeland and mixed them together with traditions of the New World.
To understand the history of African Americans, one must know their ancient histories, which were the three leading civilizations in Africa, which are Ghana, Mali, and Songhay. These empires gave a past that all African Americans can be proud of. Ghana’s origins began around the time of Jesus. In the eleventh century, Ghana’s capital, Kumbi Saleh, was an important trading center. Ghana’s most powerful dynasty, the Sisse, traded gold and slaves from the south for textiles and salt from the north (Painter). King Tenkemenin reigned from 1062 to 1076. He supported himself by collecting taxes from the trade coming through his kingdom. Ghana’s civilization crumbled when Muslim invaders took over the capital. The next great civilization was the empire of Mali. Mali was to the south and west of Ghana. Mali’s period of greatness began in the mid-thirteenth century under the rule of Sundiata Keita. Keita destroyed any traces of Ghana’s capital and made way for his Muslim descendant, Mansa Musa. He became known as the ruler of fabulous wealth by conquering immense territory from the Atlantic Ocean through present-day states of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger (Painter). Mali continued to prosper until one of its vassal states, Songhay, invaded and conquered it.
In 1355, Songhay was finally independent from Mali and grew into it’s own empire ruled by Sonni Ali.
He conquered Mali completely but after his death, Askia Mohammed overthrew Ali’s successor. Mohammed studied Muslim systems of education, law, and administration, which he introduced to Songhay. Eventually, he opened schools and universities. The universities of Timbuktu and Sankore soon gained international recognition and good reputation. The University of Timbuktu soon became known for its study of theology, law, mathematics, and medicine. Eventually this empire collapsed in 1951 when Moroccans invaded Songhay and their army was destroyed. Overall, the studies of these civilizations are significant in the study of African Americans because in the nineteenth century, Westerners believed that Africa had no capability to produce great empires like the European empire of Greece (Painter). According to the text, Europeans and European-descended people denied black Africa of any kind of history (6). In the end, Africans are not so inferior after-all due to the fact that they produced these great
Slavery was not something new for Africans because there was slavery in Africa before the start of the Atlantic Slave Trade. However, slavery in Africa and slavery in America was very different. In Africa, “slavery was neither racial nor hereditary; the offspring of slaves could escape the stigma of slave origins” (31). In other words, slavery was not classified for just one race and that slavery cannot be passed down if one’s parents were slaves. Therefore, one can escape slavery easily, but because of the Atlantic Slave Trade, slavery changed and became something horrible. In America, slavery became closely connected with race and only one race for a matter of fact. Furthermore, slavery in America was hereditary, which means that if one’s parents were slaves than they are also born slaves. These differences are important in one’s understanding of the experience of all African Americans because no matter enslaved or free that person is still black. Black people still did not have the same rights as white people even though they are free. The majority of black people are still enslaved but those who are free are still living with no rights and are still treated differently. Therefore, either free or enslaved, African Americans are still feeling the same oppression.
Ultimately, even though Westerners tried to deny African Americans of any type of rights or identity, they managed to make a name for themselves by “creating themselves” through religion, culture, and language. Also, Africans are not inferior to Europeans at all because they produced the great civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, which are crucial to the study of African Americans. African Americans rose from the ground and made a name for their people.
Works Cited
Painter, Nell Irvin. Creating Black Americans: African American History and its Meaning 1619 to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.