In Hebrew Barshat, Bara and Elohim are the first three words used in the first chapter of Genesis, the first book of Holy Bible. It means “In the beginning
God created”. If we look word wise meaning Barshat means in the beginning,
Bara means created and Elohim means God. There are some specialties in
God’s creation, God created out of nothing. The word Ex-Nihilo is used in
Hebrew means “out of nothing”. By the one word God created everything. Holy
Bible says “Then the God said, let there be light and there was light’. (Genesis
1:3) As per the book of Genesis in the first three days God done formation and on the fourth, fifth and sixth days He done creation. On the seventh day, God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
The scientists from NASA now find out and declare that the universe came into existence 13.7Billion Years ago; after a “BIG BANG” means a “BIG SOUND”.
The Holy Bible says the same that, God created the universe by” His Word” means “His sound”. “God’s sound is mighty” (Ref. Psalms 68:33b). Our God’s works and prophecies are mighty and beyond the wisdom of man. For example:- The modern science says Speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. If we travel at the speed of light it will take 33,000 years to reach the Sun in the
Milky Way. If we try to cross the universe, a minimum of 2000-crore years needed. The Holy Bible says, one day in the twinkling of eyes, you will cross the universe and taken to the Heavens, on the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Our faith is that there is nothing impossible with my God in my life.
1) As per the Evolution Theory Hydrogen was in the beginning and everything came from it. If so, there have Hydrogen shrines, temples,
Music, Songs and worship centers in this world. But nothing is there; hence it is clear that evolution theory is wrong.
2) One another scientist once came with