Science Credit Recovery
Ape Genius
Name ____________________________________ FG ________________________
Credit Recovery Course ________________________________________________
Teacher ________________________________ Year/Cycle _______________
Part 1: Background One of the ongoing discussions in behavioral research is about whether the non-human great apes (chimps, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas) are as intelligent as human beings. Intelligence refers to the ability to learn, reason, plan, think abstractly, comprehend ideas, and solve problems. It involves the ability to understand and profit from experience and to apply that knowledge to cope with, interact with, and manipulate the outside world.
A number of experiments and field research projects have been conducted to assess ape intelligence. These studies look at key skills and behaviors that are associated with intelligence in humans. Key factors include: mechanical aptitude (Do apes make and use tools? Can apes manipulate items in their environment for a purpose?) imitation (Do apes learn by copying?) cooperation (Will apes cooperate to maximize self-interest?) social emotions (Can apes understand responsibility and intent? Do they exhibit impulse control? Can they empathize?) math and communication skills (Do apes demonstrate an understanding of symbols and numbers? Can they communicate ideas either verbally or nonverbally? Do they engage in an exchange of ideas and information?) comprehension (Can apes comprehend abstract ideas? Are they able to apply previous knowledge to new situations?)
Part 2: Viewing Ape Genius
1. Watch the episode of the TV show Nova titled, Ape Genius. ( click on Watch Ape Genius)
2. While you watch, complete the Notes section of the Viewing Guide.
3. After watching the program, complete the Experiment Worksheet.
Part 3: Additional Information
1. Navigate to the Ape Genius