As a criminal investigator, I choose to view the genocide that occurred in Bosnia -Herzegovina and Kosovo as plain ordinary murder, albeit murder on a massive scale and murder that has many different types of victims. In this paper I tried to outline some of the background of the country and its people attempting to show these events as a crime scene. Introduction
The purpose of this paper was to inform of the genocides that took place in the Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo countries by portraying the events in the form as a criminal investigators report.
I researched the events by reading various articles and papers. I found that in order to properly understand the events as a whole an outline of the countries history and the somewhat complex makeup of the people that inhabit it. I then took those events and put them in the correct order and included the periods of the genocides as they occurred to each country. Then I put the causes and effects which was the tremendous amount of prejudice and hate that must be present for these types of acts to take place. Repeatedly. Then I covered what happened. This included the reaction of the rest of the world.
Genocide is actually mass-murder.
The type of crime that you have when armed people kill the unarmed.
All of the acts committed in these countries were criminal or outrageous.
What would cause people to do these acts?
The history of the people involved.
Who these people are and their history.
What happened to make them so capable?
How little outside forces interfered initially.
Brief description of the crime scenes themselves.
The terrible acts are finally made public.
The US & NATO inadvertently help split the country into only two sides.
The two sides sit down and both form a nation and agree to peace.
Examines the apathy of the rest of the world.
The prosecution of the main 75 people.
The UN said everyone must
References: Bennett, Christopher Michael. “Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Encyclopeda of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, 1 (2005): 125-129 Donia, Robert J., and John V. A. Fine. Bosnia and Hercegovina: A Tradition Betrayed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. Longman, Timothy Malcolm, Noel. Bosnia: A Short History. New York: New York University Press, 1994. Mertus, Julie. Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. p.7 Naimark M Slack, Andrew J. and Roy R. Doyon Population Dynamics and Susceptibility for Ethnic Conflict. The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 38, No. 2: Mar., 2001. p. 3 Sudetic, Chuck Tone Bringa. Being Muslim the Bosnian Way. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. p. 42