I know you need to know how to read a write for life, but how in the world does math come into play anywhere in life? Believe it or not math is actually very important, it's kinda like a third language. You need math so you can see how much groceries are or to even make or design a building. This math is also known as algebra and geometry. No you may not uses algebra and geometry in the store but you will use it in sport and jobs like Civil Engineer or Architecture.
Architecture begins with geometry. Since earliest times, architects have relied on mathematical principles. From the pyramids in Egypt to the new World Trade Center tower in New York City, great architecture uses the same essential building blocks as your body and all living things. …show more content…
Geometry is not just confined to building great temples and monuments. Geometry is used in a building no matter how humble. People say that once we recognized the geometric principles and build upon them, we create dwellings that comfort and inspire.
Geometry means "to measure the earth" and clearly Civil Engineers involved in surveying are doing precisely that.Civil Engineer design, build, supervise, operate, and maintain construction projects and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.
Civil Engineers have to know how to design and assemble shapes to construct buildings, dams, bridges, tunnels, highway systems. Civil Engineer must understand and know how to compute such quantities as lengths, areas, volumes, centroids, moments of inertia, and curvatures of a building. Civil Engineers also help build my most favorite place in the world, they help with the designing of soccer fields. The whole field is 120 by 75 yards, the midfield has to be right in the middle of the field, they also have to measure the size of the keeper box which is 6 yards by 20 yards and the penalty box is 18 yards by 40 yards,they also have to help construct the goals that is the length of 8 yards, and last the corners of the field have to be exactly 90 degrees with a quarter circle on the inside of the field so we know where to take the corner kick
Geometry can actually be used in the real world not just in the classroom! Geometry is one of the classical disciplines of math. Geometry is a practical guide for measuring lengths, areas, and volumes, and is still in use up to now. Nowadays, modern geometry has strong ties with physics, and is an integral part of new physical concepts such as relativity and string theories.The most basic form of geometry is so the so called Euclidean geometry. Lengths, areas, and volumes are dealt here. Circumferences, radii, and areas are one of the concepts concerning length and area. Also, the volume of 3 dimensional objects such as cubes, cylinders, pyramids, and spheres can be computed using geometry.