George Berkeley and the external world
In 1999, Larry and Andy Wachowski directed The Matrix, a movie featuring the future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality or cyberspace called "the Matrix”. This fake reality was created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population. To some, this movie represents just another brilliant Hollywood sci-fi action film, but for others, it challenges the understanding of perspective, reality and appearance ("The matrix 101," 2003). The Matrix heavily relies on the concepts of Irish Philosopher George Berkeley who believed reality, or reality as humans perceive it, is fundamentally mental and therefore immaterial which is known as Idealism. In 1709, Berkeley published An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, in which he discusses the fallibility of human vision and the theory that objects of sight are not material objects, but light and color. Berkeley’s empirical theory of vision questioned the then-standard account of distance vision, an account which required understood geometrical calculations. Berkeley's 1709 publication marked only the beginning of the radical Idealistic views put forth by George Berkeley. Although at first Berkeley’s ideas seem improbable, his theory of Idealism, which he claims is the only theory that avoids skepticism and solipsism, proves difficult to renounce and ultimately logical in the sense of true knowledge.
Four years following the publishing of, An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, Berkeley revealed his most important philosophical work of his career, Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. In it, Berkeley defends two metaphysical theses: idealism (the claim that everything that exists either is a mind or depends on a mind for its being) and immaterialism (the claim that matter does not exist). His famous motto, “esse est percipi” (“to be is to be perceived”) helps represent his ideology and understanding of physical objects