
George F. Kennan's Essay 'Training For Statesmanship'

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Peggy Kern
Mrs. Derrow
AP English III
25 November 2014
Revised ICE Although America gives first amendment rights of freedom of speech to all citizens and celebrates individuality, people still are inclined to conform to idealistic goals. In the excerpt from “Training for Statesmanship” by George F. Kennan, the most captivating argument made is that American citizens are often disposed to conform to societal expectations, and these societal expectations have immense power over people. This argument holds completely true for Americans; through matching standard definitions of beauty, and the reliance on and pervasiveness of technology, Americans reveal their conformist tendencies. Be it plastic surgery, extreme weight loss, or expensive fashion
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Technology has replaced what was once common for people to engage in, such as manually washing clothes and dishes, face-to-face communication, and using candle powered light. People of the United States feel compelled to possess all kinds of technology so as to make their lives more convenient. Having a smartphone is now viewed as a necessity, and something that people assume everyone owns. Even in schools those who do not have smartphones are somewhat outcasts when a teacher asks the whole class to pull out their phones. Part of the American Dream is materialistic—owning the finest of things, such as the best technological devices. The conformity of United States citizens since World War II to seek materialistic pursuits has given technology power over the lifestyles of Americans. Nowadays people cannot live without their technological devices, they have become weak and dependent upon technology, consequently giving it all the power over them and the American lifestyle. Without technology, people are unable to do the most colloquial of tasks, such as using a dictionary to look up a word, travelling without the luxuries of a car or airplane, and not rely on running water. By conforming to society’s materialistic goal of acquiring the best technological gadgets, Americans have given technology complete power over their selves and would not be able to function without

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