Vernon McGarity, one of the many Medal of Honor recipients, was born on December 1, 1921 in Hardin County, Tennessee (“Serving His Country”). He first came to Paris in the late 1930’s, while employed in the Civilian Conservation Corps (“Serving His Country”). During WWII he decided to join the U.S. Army in Model, in Stewart County (“Serving His Country”). He then moved up and served as a technical sergeant with the 99th Infantry Division during the Battle of Bulge in December 1944 “(Serving His Country”). He was a very brave man, he never let anything, including serious wounds hold him back. During one instance…
General Patton was being glorified by the press for his successes commanding the US Third Army. His favorite armor division, the 4th Armored Division, had blazed at amazing speed into Germany and was known as “The Point.” Their advance had earned them a Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation1. General Patton’s confidence in the 4th Armored Division and his own selfish motives would lead him to commit the greatest folly of his military career. Indeed General Patton stated regarding his campaign in Europe, “I know of no error I made except that of failing to send a…
When watching the final scene in the film Patton, The symbolic meaning that popped out at me was Patton’s belief in reincarnation. As Patton is walking through the open field with his dog, this is symbolizing that he has fought and lived through many battles.…
The statement of Niklas Luhmann “no human being is indispensible”(xiii) is reinforced by several Great men who have had many profound contributions to the United States and its Military. Three of whom prior to 1865 are George Washington, Winfield Scott, and Ulysses S. Grant. These great men have in their own times contributed a great deal of leadership and vision to the United States Military and Government. More recently than 1865, Dwight D. Eisenhower has risen to the level of contribution of the three great men before his time and may have even surpassed them in respect to the organization and advancements he ensured for the military of the United States and the country herself. George Washington, “father of his country,” lead the military…
"We can all use the same words but, clearly will not have the same actions and meanings behind them, based on your intent, integrity and heart!" ~ Jon Barnes…
Alvin York started off as an average man who loved to hunt and use guns and ended up using those skills for something else. Alvin York ended up with a Congressional Medal of Honor because of his skills with weapons. Alvin York was a kind and decent man who never planned to serve in World War I, but his life changed when he was drafted.…
General Patton, also known as George Patton showed great adaptive leadership qualities during his career in the military. At an early age, Patton knew he wanted to join the military. Growing up he dreamed to become a war hero to follow his grandfather’s footsteps. He joined the Military Institution after high school only for a year then entered the Military Academy at West Point. Once he graduated he joined the U.S. Army as he has always planned.…
General George S. Patton was often mentioned by many historians as the “Forgotten General” he really didn’t get to see much action in virtually the entirety of his military career. It wasn’t until World War II was he got to show what he knew about warfare. General George S. Patton finally got to show the world his genius in tactical warfare and believe it or not people even compared him to Aloft Hitler. Patton’s passionate love for war Patton’s love of war; conjoin with his superficially unemotional approach to battle. Despite the Publics personal options of a lone warrior, General George S. Patton’s superiors still referred to him as a team player. It was between General George S. Patton’s considerable, and substantial achievements…
John Morton Blum retiree of Yale University depicts “combat soldiers as largely disconnected from the geopolitical goals articulated by President Roosevelt.” Each soldier had his own individual motivation entering into the war but all had the same reason to win the war, to make it home. Home was what encouraged the troops to fight. The Saturday Evening Post ran a series asking soldiers what they were fighting for, they were quoted saying “I am fighting for that big house with the bright green roof and the big front lawn”...“that girl with the large brown eyes and the reddish tinge in her hair.” Blum describes the GI as a homely hero, the common good man and the peoples' hero. The soldiers had no visible purpose but winning the war so that he could return to comfort.…
General Douglas MacArthur, in his speech “Duty, Honor, Country”, recounts his experiences in the war on stage. MacArthur’s purpose is to emphasize the ideals that the soldiers should live by while serving as soldiers. He adopts a reflective tone in order to appeal to similar feelings and experiences in his military audience.…
“And I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know.”…
“It indicates rather that the capacity to judge correctly and to distinguish the true from the false, which is properly what one calls common sense or reason, is naturally equal in all men, and consequently that the diversity of our opinions does not spring from some of us being more able to reason than others, but only from our conducting our thoughts along different lines and not examining the same thing”…
“It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”…
The above statement has a great meaning which is “Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to love and war”. The only two areas of life in which you can be forgiven for doing anything are love and war. In someone’s eye "all is fair in love and war" in other words, in a war between love and hate, anything is acceptable or fair. For example, if someone kills one of their relatives on the battlefield, it is more acceptable than murder usually. Similarly, stealing a friend's lover is seen as more acceptable if you love them, instead of say, just wanting them for money. Love and war are completely two different things. One can say that these are two poles of the world, north and south, meaning two opposite directions. But when it comes to achieve a result or reach a desired destination they both can be linked up. It has been seen in the past that people did whatever they could for achieving their desired outcome. However this statement has also some other meaning which everyone forgets or neglect which is called “Moral and Ethics”.…
The above statement has a great meaning which is “Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to love and war”. The only two areas of life in which you can be forgiven for doing anything are love and war. In someone’s eye "all is fair in love and war" in other words, in a war between love and hate, anything is acceptable or fair. For example, if someone kills one of their relatives on the battlefield, it is more acceptable than murder usually. Similarly, stealing a friend's lover is seen as more acceptable if you love them, instead of say, just wanting them for money. Love and war are completely two different things. One can say that these are two poles of the world, north and south, meaning two opposite directions. But when it comes to achieve a result or reach a desired destination they both can be linked up. It has been seen in the past that people did whatever they could for achieving their desired outcome. However this statement has also some other meaning which everyone forgets or neglect which is called “Moral and Ethics”.…