colonel during the beginning of the war and he led most of the battles against the English. Later in the war he was appointed to colonel and made him commander and chief in the Virginia troops.
George Washington married Martha Custis on January 6,1759, and returned to Mt.
Vernon to live with his new wife. During George Washington’s early marriage life, he learned a lot about farming and trade in all of his crops. During his life at Mt. Vernon, he became more well known because of his family. He was elected into the House of Burgesses in 1758 as a representative of Frederick County. Then in 1758 1774 he served as a judge in Fairfax County. After that in 1765 he stopped the Stamp Act and the Stamp Act was what put a tax on printed materials. During his election time period as a judge he stopped a lot more Acts and other laws that we not helpful to America as a nation. He then served in the American Revolution and helped win most of his wars. On December 26, 1776 he crossed the Delaware George Washington’s plan was to have a surprise attack. On March 13, 1783 was the day that George Washington gave his Newburg Address, this was one of the most moving speeches that George Washington had ever given. The speech was to stop the mutiny of the officers. After George's speech the mutiny was over and Washington kept his promise, writing one letter after another to Congress, and finally winning his officers five years of full pay for their service in the war. September 3, 1783 was the day that the Revolutionary finally came to an end. The Treaty of Paris was the document that ended the Revolution and gave America its
On April 14, 1789 George Washington was informed that he had been nominated to be the first President. At this time George was 6’2 and 200lbs. He was one of our biggest Presidents. George Washington took the oath of office April 30, 1789 in New York. He was 57 years of age. July 14, 1789 was the day that the French and Indian War started. Relations with France worsen and Washington accepts command of the American military forces. “He is commissioned lieutenant general, the rank he will officially hold until his death. The ratification of the Bill of Rights was during Washington's Presidency, and granted many of the personal freedoms that Americans still enjoy today, such as the right to a trial by jury, the right to bear arms, protection against illegal searches, and free speech” (The White House…). It was ratified on December 15, 1791. After his second term he was done with all the Politics and he felt old, he retired. Before that though during his first term two groups had started to form, which we now know as the Republican and Democratic party.
On December 12, 1799, George Washington on his 68th Birthday, rode out around his farms on horseback from ten a.m. until about three p.m. The weather that day was snowing and it was about three inches deep at the time that he was riding. The next day, he did not go out in the morning because he had a cold and a severe sore throat. He did go out later in the day and worked around his plantation. December 14, 1799 only three days after he went outside riding in the snow. His cold began to worsen as the day went on, he could hardly talk and he had paroxysmal chills and he had a hard time breathing. After a while Washington gave directions about his will and he again tried sitting up but remained so for a little bit. Throughout the afternoon, he appeared in great pain and distress from difficulty in breathing, and his frequency of changing position in bed. George Washington’s condition remained unchanged and did so until a little bit before his death, when breathing became easier. He died on December 14th, 1799 his final words were “I am just going! Have me decently buried; and do not let my body be put into the vault less than three days after I am dead.” Then, “Do you understand me? . . . Tis well!”
George Washington had an amazing life and he is a person that we can look at all through history and still learn a lesson every time we are taught about him, or we read about him. He is an inspiring person that worked his hardest at all that he did.