During a German Mass in 1526 Luther recommended “German Agnus Dei” to be sung during Holy Communion. Many scholars believe that Luther had “Christe, du Lamm Gottes” in mind when he recommended “German Agnus Dei” to be sung. (Lutheran Cyclopedia a Concise In-Home Reference for the Christian Family Erwin L. Lueker,Author , c1954; Concordia Publishing House St Louis)
Luther's litanies are very similar to the roman Litany of All Saints.
Luther pushed for his litanies to be sung at church rather than at processions. Luther's litanies had a few differences. One such difference is that Luther omitted the invocations of the Saints and the intercession for the pope and the departed. Another difference Luther made was that the intercessions were more specific in petitioning for things. One more difference is that Luther's litanies contained simplified music for the responses of the congregation. The original Litanies use semi breves ,breves, and longas on a four - line staff with a C clef. Today the Litanies were rewrote substituting eight notes for the semi breves and quarter notes for the breves and longas. The Litany was originally sung by two choirs. The first choir was boys kneeling on altar steps. The second choir would be joined by the congregation. (Luther's Works Liturgy and Hymns Vol 53,Urlich S.Leupold, Author c1965; Fortress Press Philadelphia