Based on the research of Dr. Carol Dweck
Which Mindset Are You? Self-Assessment*
For each item below, decide whether the item is true or false FOR YOU.
Answer each item honestly. There is no right or wrong answer.
1. I want to do better than other students in my class. TRUE
2. An important reason why I do my class work is because I like to learn new things. TRUE
3. I would like to show my instructors that I am smarter than the other students in my class. T
4. I like class work that I will learn from even if I make a lot of mistakes. T
5. It is very important to me that I do not look stupid in my class. T
6. If I do poorly on an assignment or a test, it is because I did not study or try hard enough. F
7. Natural ability is more important than effort for doing well in school. F
8. I can do well on any assignment if I try hard enough. T
9. If I do well on an assignment or a test, I think it is because of good luck. F
10. An important reason why I do my work in class is because I want to improve my performance. T
11. If I do poorly on an assignment or a test, it is usually the instructor’s fault. F
12. Effort is more important than natural ability for doing well in school. T
13. Your intelligence is something very basic about you that cannot change very much. F
14. No matter how much intelligence you have, there is always room for improvement. T
15. You can learn new things, but you cannot really change your level of intelligence. F
Characteristics of a Fixed mindset – (The odd number questions in the assessment above) Belief that your intelligence and abilities are fixed and cannot be changed Fear of making mistakes Focusing on the documentation of your skills Always trying to prove your intelligence and abilities Belief that talent equals success without much effort
Characteristics of a Growth mindset – (The even number questions in the