Afterwards, repetition is being utilize to increase the meaning for this dedication. He starts off by saying," we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate-- we can not hallow- this ground... The brave men have consecrated it." The repetition of the words "we can not" are stressed to …show more content…
Explicitly he states, "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from earth." In the same way, he adds on to his statement about encouraging the people to continue to fight for the ideas that the brave men did. This form of parallelism of "of the people, ... by the people, for the people" also emphasizes a feeling of patriotism. It reminds them that if these men are willing to die for the nation then why shouldn't they do the same by fighting the same fight. In addition, Lincoln strongly suggests that these words "people" forms a strong connection to power when in a relationship to