Ghaza – oppression or, oppression – Ghaza, do the two words not go perfectly well together? Ghaza a place that has not tasted the sweet air of freedom for over five decades, a place where the meaning of democracy can only be seen in a dictionary and a place that oppression is just part of daily life. In all seriousness it is a place that has been oppressed and controlled by external forces, with the main two of these forces being two of the strongest on today’s globe and because these two countries are two of the strongest in the world, the rest of the world just sits there and does nothing but listen and believe to false media pressures, the two countries in mind are America and Israel. These two nations have held this area of land under control for a vast amount of time, because of the suspicion that this place breeds terror and that with every breath it takes in, it exhales destruction.
Destruction, the word means to cause ruin and cause devastation, now for a place like Ghaza that is 41km long and 6 and 12km wide on either side, for the likes of Israel and America, such a place is easy to control and maintain. The chances of terror are therefore minimal, and in this case of so called destruction can be compared to “throwing a fruit loop at the back of another man’s head”, which basically means, maybe some damage was intended, and in Ghaza’s defence, self-protection, no harm is done.(name), an American journalist describes the Israeli-American control over Ghaza by saying “not even a drop of water can fall into Ghaza without the knowledge of Israel”. Now imagine the size of a raindrop and then think of the amount of artillery that needs to be brought into a country in order for them to be able to inflict such terror onto the rest of the world. Now for the likelihood of such a place being able to cause ‘destruction to such super powers is absurd’. Israel controls every border; no artillery can enter Ghaza especially since the impositions of the recent