There are bad spirits and there is good spirits. Do you beleive there is a spirit world? Have you ever felt a spirit or seen a ghost? You may feel that there are spirits or ghost. You may not have known ,but there are objects that you can communicate with demons or ghost or other grave yard freinds. I know ghost exist as well as i know demons do. Have you ever felt the presence of not only a ghost but a demonic force in the air before. Do you feel demons exist as well as ghost exist? I do because i have seen ghost in some of my old pictures.There is demonic spirits people are possesed every day. Some with evil spirits and some with jealousy demonic spirits.
They all sopme up to one thing spirits and ghost are real. There are shows on T.V. They have exorsist in the world so that people can be free of sprits. There are many people that have experienced the cold chills and more. so people many people have seen them and felt there presents in there houses and every where. There is many people have had spirits in there house.
They are people's spirits left behind by there siblings or people that have lived there before they live there. There are many peopel that have had scary moments.There is a point to all of this . There is millions of people with this problem. Do you think they are