For this introspection, I have selected my own experience as a patient undergoing a minor surgery under local anaesthesia. On the morning of the operation, I was admitted to a busy day surgery ward. The nursing team was trying to prepare patients for surgery and they all appeared really busy. Soon a registrar, who was never part of the pre assessment team came to me, introduced himself and explained the procedure. He then took a consent form and requested me to sign it, explaining all the information about the operation, including the benefits and risks, and the choice of other modalities of treatment and the possible results of the procedure,Choices( 2014). Seeing the doctor itself, I became nervous,as I was expecting the consultant. A patient gets stressed by various situations that provoke anxiety. Such situations include fear of dying, change of doctor, fear of not awakening following anaesthesia, fear of change in body image, fear of unfamiliar environment and financial threat due to being off sick from work ,Wicker and O’Neill(2010). As I was anxious about the change of a surgeon,I couldn't ask any questions related to surgery. Undergoing a surgery is always stressful, stress increases the anxiety level and diminishes cognitive thinking (Nyamathi, RN and Kashiwabara, RN,
For this introspection, I have selected my own experience as a patient undergoing a minor surgery under local anaesthesia. On the morning of the operation, I was admitted to a busy day surgery ward. The nursing team was trying to prepare patients for surgery and they all appeared really busy. Soon a registrar, who was never part of the pre assessment team came to me, introduced himself and explained the procedure. He then took a consent form and requested me to sign it, explaining all the information about the operation, including the benefits and risks, and the choice of other modalities of treatment and the possible results of the procedure,Choices( 2014). Seeing the doctor itself, I became nervous,as I was expecting the consultant. A patient gets stressed by various situations that provoke anxiety. Such situations include fear of dying, change of doctor, fear of not awakening following anaesthesia, fear of change in body image, fear of unfamiliar environment and financial threat due to being off sick from work ,Wicker and O’Neill(2010). As I was anxious about the change of a surgeon,I couldn't ask any questions related to surgery. Undergoing a surgery is always stressful, stress increases the anxiety level and diminishes cognitive thinking (Nyamathi, RN and Kashiwabara, RN,