The Procuress is hung on the wall that would form part of The Concert painting that Vermeer is painting of his patron van Ruijven and his daughter and sister. I think that the author had Griet focusing on this painting to remind her who she was. In other words, it encouraged her to remain decent, and humble. On page 186 van Leeuwenhoek said to Griet, “Take care to remain yourself.” When Griet srated to work for the family she was exposed to a different environment. While working there she was also reminded a maid who was in a painting a long with van Ruijven, who then was discovered having an affair with her master and ended up having a child of his. He reputation was destroyed, and Griet feared that the same would happen to her as well. I think that Vermeer has come to see Griet the way that the girl in the the painting is portrayed.…
At first, she takes care of her brother Gregor because of sympathy, then ultimately her pity toward Gregor slowly diminished, which then she finds interesting in taking a job to help the family financially. At the end of the story, while looking at Grete, the parents cognize that their daughter turned into a woman, and would soon be able to find a husband, starting a better life. “It seemed to them almost a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when their daughter swiftly sprang to her feet and stretched her young body.”(433)The quote inferred that Grete has experienced her metamorphosis of being mature which she will start a new chapter in her life, taking more responsibilities of the family, and stretched her body for the family’s…
Writer’s block is a term often use to describe a creative block when they are unsure and lost on how to go about with their writing; it’s not just the inability to continue with their work, but it can also be the inability to produce something creative. Moreover, this term is not isolated to writers only, this creative block can apply to all those who practice the art — artists, composers, choreographers. In this essay, I shall explain a few relatively common causes of writer’s block and the techniques to overcome this creativity block. I will be referring to several sources and to my experience on how I deal with writer’s block.…
Jane strives to please the men in her her life, this started at a young age due to the detached love she held as a child. Jane’s parents both died when she was young and was brought in by her uncle to be raised with her cousins. Jane became the pupil her uncle never had, and because of this she was resented by her aunt Reed. The resentment Jane felt throughout…
The stories of “The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant and “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” by Flannery O’Connor are different from one another at first glance, however when analyzing deeper into the context, there are obvious similarities that can be recognized. The main characters from both of these stories are identified as Mathilde from “The Necklace” and the grandmother from “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” with both of these characters being comparable on the aspects of their character flaw, encountering of tragedy, and undergoing of character change.…
She is very powerless in this house and is treated very poorly by the mother and the eldest daughter. As we get into the story goes on greits role becomes very complex with affairs and jelousies. As vermeir notices that Greit has a passion for art he askes greit to help he mix colors for his paintings. but things get more serious and he askes her to model for his painting.…
Throughout the story, she undergoes a series of trials put forth by her husband, known as the marquis Walter, in order to test her dedication in the marriage. The marquis goes as far as to take her first born child from her, to which Griselda responses with the persistent devotion she always bequeathed to him. As Griselda consistently demonstrates these behaviors, Walter becomes more inclined to assess her wifehood, later speaking of marrying a younger wife. Griselda agrees favorably to this proposal by her husband. However, she proceeds to kindly advise Walter on the treatment of this new bride: “One thing I beg of you, and warn you too, / Never to goad her, never put on trial / This tender girl as I have known you do; / For she was fostered preciously, a vial” (Chaucer 350). Griselda acknowledges her own strength in maintaining a supportive persona to her husband’s horrid deeds, and seeks to protect the new wife by merely asking Walter to be cautious of the delicate temperament most women were expected to possess. The marquis finds Griselda to be wholeheartedly pure in her intentions, announcing her to be the epitome of wifehood. The Clerk’s insight on the institution of marriage is described through Griselda’s persistence: “For since a woman showed such patience to / A mortal man, how much the more we ought / To take in…
Her aunt was controlling her life and making her to do everything just because she was helpless. She was not allowed to play with her cousins. "You have no business to take our books; you are a dependent, mama says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentlemen's children like us, and eat the same meals we do, and wear clothes at our mama's expense." This line also made her situation clear that she was not wanted and she was not free just…
She examines the difficulties faced between ones self in order to try and assimilate within the community and try and enrich her sense of belonging. It centres around belonging within her culture, her family and her friends, but also the issue of not belonging within her school. We see that she struggles to fit in her school, because of the differences there is between her and her peers. One of which that she is of Italian background, while they are predominantly Anglo-Saxon and she is also not as classy or as wealthy as they are. As quoted from the novel through the use of direct speech “at St. Martha’s its all about money, prestige and what your father does for a living. I’m surrounded by girls whose father’s treat them like princesses… they think that they have everything, and you know what? They do.” This ultimately depicts that she does not belong inside her school. She distances and alienates herself from her peers who fall into this category, limiting her sense of belonging to them, showing her anti-social behaviour due to her social barriers. Therefore, we can see that one can either belong or not belong by interacting with the people and…
On the other hand there is Madame Loisel, which is a character that just feels that it is her duty to be what the society expects of all women. She feels that she has to be in the high class, that she is worth a lot and that all because of her beauty should adore her. She also had an opinion that if she wants something she has to get it or it is the end of the world. In addition, her believe is that her just deserve, also for whom she is, expensive cloths, and expensive necklace.…
The attractive youth's arrival at Papist's corner as a lowly' paid maid threatens Tanneke, who prides herself on her own industry. Thus, Tanneke's anxiety consequently causes her to exercise her authority over Griet in attempts to maintain her rightfully earned position. Griet gages Tanneke's persona immediately and soon learns to choose the right words.' Griet soon is happy to feel superior to Tanneke as she learns to read and adapt to her simple mind. Although Griet's intentions with Tanneke are not highly corrupted and her simple endeavour is to prevent domination from the senior maid, it is evident that Griet is gradually progressing and learning the skills of a manipulative…
Throughout the book, the depiction of Mrs. Grose is somewhat strange. On the surface there is basically nothing; however, upon closer examination a number of interesting points come to light. James rarely has Grose interact with any of the characters other than the governess; when other characters are present, the housekeeper will usually be absent. She only seems to make her appearances when the governess feels the need to discuss her suspicions. It is almost as if she is the governess' counselor - they often share their thoughts on the situation as these discussions often consume entire chapters (chapters V, XII, XVI and XXI for example) They also have a curious habit of continuing each others' sentences. An example of this is found in chapter five and it starts off with Mrs. Grose saying,…
We assume that Pearl is a complex character, and that her curious mind can be interpreted differently depending of the personn looking at her. First, we will look at the relationship between the child and her mother. Then, we will think of the place of such a child in a puritan community. Finally, we will question the position of a modern reader.…
A ‘visiting in-law’, she has come seemingly to visit Stella, yet the continuation of the first scene shows the true nature of her visit; she has lost their family property. Immediately, it can be seen that she is out of place in this neighbourhood, from her appearance (QUOTE HERE) her rhetorical questioning “this – can this be – her home?” It is highlighted that not only does Blanche feel there are there vast differences in standards of living, but between fantasy and reality. Her claim that she couldn’t possibly make herself ‘at home’ here suggests that she looks down on this society. Yet even in her first appearance, Blanche’s anxieties can be seen, as she tries to control her nerves “I’ve got to keep a hold of myself” and as she tells Stella “I can’t be alone…I’m not very well.”…
She ends up borrowing a necklace from her friend and loses it. Madame Loisel and her husband then spent most of their lives on a journey to pay the necklace off. Madame Loisel constantly complained about everything and was never satisfied. “The Necklace” is one story that follows the steps of the Hero’s Journey. The archetypes of the Hero’s…