Date: 10/20/14
Title of Lesson: The Giving Tree
Mentor Teacher:
Core Components
Subject, Content Area or Topic: Language Arts, Reading
Student Population:
2nd grade
This lesson plan will be taught to a regular education second grade class of ethnically and educationally diverse students.
Learning Community: suburban Demographics
LPISD 2nd grade Elementary students
Classroom context – Team teaching Learning Objectives (for Cognitive Domain): The student will be able to make predictions using a variety of comprehension strategies.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
§110.13. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010.
(b) Knowledge and skills
(3) Reading/Beginning Reading/Strategies. Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies as needed. Students are expected to:
(A) use ideas (e.g., illustrations, titles, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions;
Technology TEKS (if applicable)
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
(B) Intermediate. Intermediate ELLs have the ability to read and understand simple, high-frequency English used in routine academic and social contexts. These students:
(i) read and understand English vocabulary on a somewhat wider range of topics and with increased depth; vocabulary predominantly includes:
(I) everyday oral language;
(II) literal meanings of common words;
(III) routine academic language and terms; and
(IV) commonly used abstract language such as terms used to describe basic feelings;
(ii) often read slowly and in short phrases; may re-read to clarify meaning;
(iii) have a growing understanding of basic, routinely used English language structures;
(iv) understand simple sentences in short, connected texts, but are dependent on visual cues, topic familiarity, prior knowledge, pretaught