EDU10002 Understanding Language and Literacy
Assessment 3: Folio
Word limit: 1500 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 30%
Due date: 9am (AEST) Monday 1 June 2015 (Week 12)
Assessment overview
This assessment folio requires you to create a newsletter for the parents in an early childhood or primary setting and write a reflection on your process. You will demonstrate your understanding of literacy and language in relation to one of the teaching and learning curriculum models/ approaches introduced in Module D, and implications of culture and home language for literacy learning and teaching. The reflection will provide evidence of your understanding of communicating with parents/families through newsletters.
Assessment details
The assessment folio has two parts:
A newsletter
1. Create a succinct and informative newsletter (Approx. 700 words) for parents.
• you may use bullet points and images in the newsletter
• choose either an early childhood or primary setting
• choose a curriculum model/approach, for example, o Steiner (Waldorf) o Montessori o Reggio o Any other curriculum model or approach that is relevant to the context of
Australian early childhood education
Within your newsletter you should:
• briefly explain key features and philosophies of the selected model/approach
• explain the main teaching and learning strategies that a teacher in either an early childhood or primary setting would implement to support children’s language and literacy according to the selected model/approach. You may focus on one aspect of the approach (e.g. the learning environment), or a particular teaching strategy (e.g. group projects in Reggio)
• invite and encourage parents and families to be involved in their children’s language and literacy learning both at home and in the setting.
2. Write an 800-word reflection covering the following points:
How can teachers use newsletters to encourage parental involvement?
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