Attention Consumers Supermarket’s spatial design is the most important strategy to affect consumers’ behavior. When I walked in the local Safeway I immediately saw design strategies that Gladwell described in his essay. The strategies included the sale signs, bursting with vibrant colors and keeping products out of the decompression zone. Another design pertaining to the overall store that caught my attention was how each main grocery department was located on opposite ends of the store. In order to get to the produce from the bakery I was tempted by all of the bargain sale signs, located on the end of each aisle. There are two entrances on opposite sides of the store. At the right side entrance, a Starbucks is …show more content…
Generally, this includes something from the produce, meat, deli and bakery department. These departments are located on opposite ends of Safeway. Which is a strategy followed in Gladwell’s essay. Paco Underhill is hired by companies as a “retail anthropologist” to set up their store because he has mastered shopping behavior down to a science. Underhill has studied through his surveillance tapes that the chances of shoppers buying a product directly correlate with how deep that shopper is pulled into the store. The separation of these main departments is purposely situated so the consumer has to pass organized, wide aisles that advertise sale products at the end of every aisle. The bright yellow sale signs located on top of the aisle are hard to pass up especially because most shoppers look for bargains and sales. I noticed that most of the sale products are placed in the middle of the aisles. That will discretely help pull the shopper in deeper. All along these aisles are also many checkout lanes including “15 items or less”. This ensures that consumers don’t abandon their baskets because lines are too long. The overall spatial setup coincides with Gladwell’s techniques and observations to appeal to the consumer. Also studying shopper’s tendencies upon entering a store helps retails properly and productively put their