Try to design a floor plan that will draw shoppers deeper into the store. This is analagous to the old grocery store concept of milk, bread and eggs in corners to create travel throughout the entire space.
Use lighting in creative ways to "guide" customers through your space. This can be done with brightly lit displays in strategic locations.
Encourage the natural tendency to move from left to right in a shopping environment. This can be done through strategic location of key departments, aisle orientation, and proper placement of the cash wrap.
Decor elements are key in communicating brand and creating a condusive shopping environment. Signs should be used strategically and judiciously. These elements should be changed at least every 5 years.
Interior store design is not the only thing that will dictate the success of your retail operation. However it is an element that can take your store from good performance to great performance. One last thought: evaluate your store through the five senses. How does it look, sound and smell. Are there elements that appeal to feel? (active displays that can be touched) Are there treats, e.g. coffee, cookies, etc. to connect to the sense of taste. Even things this simple can help you win the battle at the