Bureau of Health Professions: Health Resources and Services Administration. (2006, March). The Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United States: Summary of Key Findings. Retrieved from http://www.albany.edu/news/pdf_files…
I have been designated by the senior management team at a community hospital to write a summary on the effects of changes in population demographics on the needs and services for a selected population. The population that I choose to write about is the aging population. In this paper I will identify the aging population and provide data about the demographics and psychographics for this particular population. I will also describe the general impact that the demographics will have on the health care market as they change. The effects from the changes in the demographics of the aging population will also be explained. I will identify health care challenges for the aging population as well as describing how a chronic disease wellness program would affect the cost for them. I will explain what the demographics say about the marketing needs or services needed for this population. Finally, I will help the reader understand how the individual patient, the community, and society as a whole can address these challenges.…
The wave of baby boomers will reshape the health care system forever. There will be more people enjoying their later years, but they’ll be managing ore chronic conditions and therefore utilizing more health care services ("Chd/center For Design Health", 2013). There will be more people enjoying their later years, but they will also be managing more chronic conditions and therefore utilizing more health care services. By 2030 the over 65 population will nearly triple, 6 out of 10 will be managing more than one chronic condition and one out of three, over 21 million, will be considered obese, with one out of four, nearly 14 million, living with diabetes, 1 out of every 2 will be living with arthritis, and eight times more knee replacements than performed today. At the turn of the century US life expectancy was 47 years of age. In 2002 (the last year for which data are available) it was 77 years. Why has that life expectancy nearly doubled? People are living longer because of lifestyle changes, advances in health care, fewer people smoke, heart and cancer survival rate has increased by 16%. Chronic conditions like Diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, obesity, alcoholism are the biggest factors influencing medical spending. In 2000 people over the age of 65 suffering from chronic conditions was 5.500,00 in is estimated that in 2030 this number will increase to 36.000,000. Those over 65 years old are more education and have financial assets to help them in their retirement years; however, they still worry about their ability to pay for health care during their retirement. Retirees change US demographic geography with their retirement choices. Most retirees prefer to move to Florida (14%) Arizona (12%) North Carolina (10%) California (8%) Texas (5%). Due to joint replacement and…
In the article “The Aging Physician Workforce: A Demographic Dilemma” by Merritt Hawkins, it introduces the current status of aging issues in American society, the relationship between the aging and healthcare industry, and the aging physician workforce. The percentage of older adults (older than sixty-five years old) in the U.S. keeps growing and as more people become to older adults, there are more needs for the public to visit healthcare more often because of their chronic conditions. At the same time, the percentage of older adult physicians is also growing. Hence, the increasing percentages of older adults in both public and physician could cause a shortage of physicians in the near future. As we can see, aging issues begin to influence the physician workforce and since the physicians are directly related to the condition of public health, their aging issues worth to win public attentions. I…
The demographics of the aging population is changing. In the year 2009 persons 65 years old or older were numbered at 39.6 million. They represent 12.9% of the U.S. population. In 2007 people over the age of 65 had an average life expectancy of an additional 18.6 years. Also the mortality rate decreased. The baby boomers will reach the age of 65 between the years of 2010 and 2030 (“Admistration of aging”, 2011). By the year 2030 28% of the American economy will be spent on healthcare. Seniors will likely live outside of Urban areas and change their living arrangements. Seniors are finding themselves living alone and are more dependent on formal and informal support of care. The aging population has become a huge influence of health care costs. As the older population live longer they are likely to spend most of their savings and assets to afford their medical needs (“Finger Lakes Health Systems”, 2004).…
The current age composition of the United States population consists of an ever growing advanced age population. The baby boomers born around 1900-1960 are becoming the growing percentage of the aging population. The people born around this time period increased the U.S. population ten-fold. Along with the increased population, the life expectancy has dramatically increased. The average life expectancy rate is about 78 years. It is also expected to increase in population almost 1% every year. The aging population makes up 12.9% of the total U.S. population. It is projected that the majority of the population would at least 55-59 within the next 10 to 20 years. In some research studies, the distribution of child dependency and senior dependency would almost be equal to each other.…
The United States is an ageing society. This is having a major impact on the organization and delivery of health care. The population aged 85 and over, the group most likely to need health and long-term care services, is projected to increase by 350% between the years 2000 and 2050 (Humphreys, 2012). This is not necessarily the problem but instead the problem is that there is a slow-growth of working age population. This means that there will be less people paying the taxes that are necessary to pay for public programs for the older population and less people available to provide the services that older people need (Humphreys, 2012). This older population is going to require that healthcare organizations and professionals focus on chronic diseases like heart disease and osteoporosis as opposed to acute illnesses. Medicine styles will need to change from one-time interventions to ongoing management of multiple diseases and disabilities (Humphreys, 2012). Long term care services like nursing homes, home health, personal care, adult day care and congregate housing will become much more in demand due to this aging population as well.…
surprising, in less than 50 years, there will be as many Americans aged 80 and…
The aging phenomenon has several combining factors that play a part of the growing population; Age Dynamics: The elevated fertility rate (baby boom) from 1946 to 1964. Decline in Fertility Rate: The decrease of young people reproducing has caused an automatic increase of older people. Longevity increase: Life expectancy has increased 20 years due in part to improvements in healthcare and medical technology "The growing number of older adults increases demands on the public health system and on medical and social services.' ‘Chronic diseases, which affect older adults disproportionately, contribute to disability, diminish quality of life, and increased health and long-term care costs" (CDC, 2003). With the dramatic increase in the statics, the life expectancies has increased and healthier energetic life styles, currently enables people to live 20 to 25% of their lives in robust retirement. In…
The aging of the population and the rising cost of health care would cause spending on the major health care programs and Social Security to grow from more than 10 percent of GDP today to almost 16 percent of GDP 25 years from now. That combined increase is equivalent to about $850 billion today. ("Congressional Budget Office," 2012) The aging of the baby boomer generation will have an impact on federal spending as well as health care costs. ("Congressional Budget Office," 2012) Increase in longevity due to medical advances and technology are a factor in spending growth increases. (Henderson, 2012)…
This is an important issue because the baby boomer generation is reaching its retirement age and there are concerns that their generation will be retiring in a worse health condition than their parents were and the health care system of today will not be able to deal with their healthcare needs. According to studies from the ‘The Commonwealth Fund’ 60% of adults between the ages of 50 and 64 currently employed have been identified with at least one chronic health condition. The numbers of elderly is rising rapidly in most developed and many developing countries. The cost of aging in 2002 in Canada was over $8000 per year for seniors compared to around $1500 for someone under the age of 65.…
The increasing number of elderly individuals is largely impacting the healthcare personnel and the industry itself. Apart from the problem of trying to provide qualified health physicians for patient treatment, new perspectives are coming up and they will significantly modify the healthcare industry. The new perspectives will modify the manner in which health services are received and provided. In addition, recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals (i.e. Doctors, nurses, midwifes, medical assistants, nurse practitioners, hospital personnel, etc.) has become crucial to enhancing access to medical services especially to the aging and underserved population in the United States.…
One of the biggest concerns is the lack of capable physician who are trained to adequately care for those living longer lives. Since medical technology has progressed as it has, and people are living much longer; the amount of trained professionals needed to care for the elderly has increased. In 2004-05 there were 334 geriatric fellows in all years of training (2 yr. program). (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/livingold/, 2006) Studies show that 36,000 geriatric physicians will be required to provide the proper care. If the amount of students trained remains stable for the next 20 years, there would be less than a third of the projected geriatricians needed.…
This is a significant factor in calculating the spending from Medicare in the future. In addition, it is project that due to rising health care costs during the next ten year Medicare spending is projected to increase by 83% (Ochter). Medicare and associated programs are taking up a large portion in federal spending, second only to the Department of Defense. Based on this information at the current levels, that type of growth would not be sustainable. Unfortunately, this would increase the tax burden on individuals to help subsidize the cost. This falls on the working American. Based on the current trends, the working population is decreasing while, people over the age of 65 is increasing significantly. This is due in part to the “baby boomer”…
Health care spending in America is at an all-time high. The baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age and its dependence on health care is greater than ever before. This burgeoning demand for health care services has put a huge strain on the infrastructure of the health care system that was originally designed to accommodate far less Americans than it currently supports. Many financial experts predict a drastic increase in health care spending in the years ahead.…