The practice of industrial farming makes agriculture so detrimental to and at the same time depended upon for the global food crisis. To compensate for the growing population, much of our forests and other land will have to be cleared and put into commercial agriculture production. Deforestation, or paving over green space for suburban expansion will result in more surface warming. Forests have a much greater potential to sequester carbon dioxide than does monocultural, industrial agriculture and yet the demands of production will be much higher.
The ideal situation would consider the ability of a nation to feed its own people and provide for its neighbors. Subsistence farming practices could be reimplemented only on a larger scale. Preindustrial agricultural peoples throughout the world have traditionally practiced subsistence farming. As urban cities and towns grew, agricultural production became more specialized and commercial farming developed, with farmers producing a sizable surplus of certain crops, which they traded for manufactured goods or sold for cash.
The United States produces an excess amount of corn, which is grown, processed and subsidized by the U.S. and can outcompete corn from other nations has driven corn farmers from Mexico out of business. Government should stop subsidizing the farmers for growing such extreme amounts of cereal grains and encouraged smaller farmer, more diversified farms. Varying the crops produced will add health and nutrients to the soils and maximize the ideal crops for the varied agricultural regions.
Most of the U.S. fruit and vegetables we consume come from a few areas of California and Mexico; grain is grown almost exclusively in the Midwest and dairy farming happens mainly in California and Wisconsin. Thus, more diversified vegetable and grain crop farms and the diversification in the livestock growing facilities should be mandated. Instead of only a few large companies in control our nation’s food supply, smaller farmers should be able to produce healthy crops and meat animals for the local food supply. Livestock shouldn’t be concentrated in certain areas and shipped as in the current system. Livestock should be produced locally to fill the needs of smaller communities. A higher cost paid to smaller farmers should encourage production and provide a healthier meat to consumers in a better environment for the animal and for the environment.
The current agriculture systems in place around the world cannot meet the demands of the growing global population. Much research, education and funding will be required to change the mindset of individuals in charge of making decisions on a worldly scale. Taking care of our earth’s natural resources is the responsibility of all the countries in the world. Feeding the people in the year 2050 demands that we start making changes now.
Consumers have a right to safe and reasonably priced food free from the entrapment of commercialized agriculture. A system will need to be in place to ensure that nutrients are returned to the soil in both rural and urban areas. Water will need to be conserved, both in urban dwelling and in agricultural practices. Diversified farms that support local areas need to be supported and the excessive farm subsidies for cheap cereal grains need to redirected to farmers proving sustainability and creative thinking for a changing food system.,29307,1731280,00.html
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