Despite the fall of the Soviet Union 19 years ago in 1991, the issue of nuclear arms, besides terrorism, remains one of the chief security concerns in the contemporary world. Accordingly, the following issues concerning nuclear arms remained unresolved security concerns.Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These events not only brought about the surrender of the Japan and an end to World War II, but they also helped shaped the nature of international politics for the next six decades.The atomic bomb is the crudest form of a series of powerful nuclear weapons to be eventually developed and come into existence. Both superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, eventually built massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons during the Cold War. This escalation of nuclear arms possession led to…
The Non Proliferation act of 1968 was created to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. 85 percent of the world’s countries signed it. Non nuclear countries agreed to not make or accept nukes from anyone. Countries that had them could not build or share them. The International Atomic Energy Agency was created by the UN to inspect countries to ensure nuclear facilities were operating under peaceful terms but the NPT hasn 't been entirely successful. India and Pakistan tested nukes in 1998 and Israel 's nuclear capability is an open secret. None of those countries signed the NPT in 1968. North Korea did sign the treaty in 1970 but violated it in the 1990s when it started developing nukes and more recently in 2006 when they tested one.…
Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World strongly, the vast majority of the population is unified under the World State, an eternally peaceful, stable global society in which goods and resources are plentiful and everyone is happy. Happiness is deprived from mass produced goods such as obstacle golf, Centrifugal Bumble-puppy, recreational sex and the most common one, the use of the drug soma; a hallucinogen that takes users on enjoyable, hangover-free "holidays".…
The U.S. Congress passed Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 in order to reveal some financial information, define clear responsibilities of corporate boards and audit committee, and ensure their independence. SOX was formed after several major scandals in accounting field, such as WorldCom and Global Crossing. This memorandum is intended to explain the major changes in accounting practices after implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 and how ethics affected the formation of the act.…
Shah, Anup. "AIDS around the World." Global Issues: Aids Around the World. N.p., 29 Nov.…
Millions killed in nuclear disaster, thousands left homeless, countries left in peril! These are some of the many consequences that are faced in a nuclear dependent world. Day after day people live in fear that one tiny mistake, one wrong word can cripple our world and leave the survivors living in rubble. The world has discovered that despite the enormous precautions taken, disasters and destruction still constantly resurface themselves through our short, but eventful nuclear history. During World War II, Albert Einstein sent a letter to President Dwight Eisenhower that has shaped mankind from that moment on. It described a weapon that would release enough energy to destroy an entire city("USA weapons of mass destruction." ). Now nearly four score ago the consequences we face for this technology has been detrimental to our society. Scientific discoveries also yielded the idea of using this extraordinary power as an energy source and a extraordinary threat.Due to these undeniable risks, the world needs to remove all sources of nuclear weaponry and power.…
“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds,” (Oppenheimer, 1965, 0:47). So said Julius Robert Oppenheimer, one of the men credited with creating the atomic bomb, when describing the first test detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, at the Alamogordo Bomb Range in New Mexico ( Sublette, 1999), as he quotes the Hindu holy text, the Bhagavad Vita. Nuclear weapons have only been used in warfare twice, both times by the United States during World War I, when the United States dropped the ‘Fat Man’ and ‘Little Boy’ bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945 (Sublette, 1999). In the 60 intervening years, a number of other nations have since developed nuclear weapons of their own. Because of nuclear proliferation, and the unparalleled destructive power of atomic weapons, nuclear non-proliferation has become an international concern, with the United States leading the charge. The past decade, however, has seen new nations try to enter the ‘nuclear club’ the most recent country being Iran. A nuclear armed Iran poses many concerns to the United States. In this paper, I will discuss the history of Iran’s nuclear program, what steps have been taken to curb the Iranians efforts, and where the two major political parties of the United States stand on the issue.…
The first decade after the end of the Cold War was full of high expectations, hopes for changes and great challenges for the newly established world order. From the very beginning of the new era, the international community had to face tasks and questions that had not come up in the previous years. Therefore, there was not a verified pattern how to handle these situations and new solutions needed to be carried out.…
Bucher, L., Buruschkin, R., Kenyon, D., Stenton, K., Treseder, S. (2013). Improving outcomes with therapeutic hypothermia. Nursing, 43(1), 30-36. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000423953.77012.d5…
The title itself, “Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War,” simply depicts the true cause of this international standstill. Although the writers introduce the audience to the underlying background behind this war, such as increasing political tension between a soon-to-be-called Anglo-American alliance and the U.S.S.R during and previous to World War II, the main focus of this composition is exemplified by the impact which the atomic bomb had on establishing an international control or world order. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt hoped to implement this international world order, founded on principles that would uphold the idea of international atomic control and safety.…
The existence of nuclear weapons for better or worse have indubitably impacted our lives in one way or the other. There are the some who find these weapons to be singularly beneficial. For example Defence Analyst Edward Luttwak said “we have lived since 1945 without another world war precisely because rational minds…extracted a durable peace from the very terror of nuclear weapons.” (Luttwak, 1983). Moreover, Robert Art and Kenneth Waltz both extrapolate that “the probability of war between American and Russia or between NATO and the Warsaw Pact is practically nil precisely because the military planning and deployments of each, together with the fear of escalation to general nuclear war, keep it that way.” (Art, Waltz, 1983) Yet there are many who also share the view of Jonathan Schell who dramatically infers that if we, society, do not “rise up and cleanse the earth of nuclear weapons, we will “sink into the final coma and end it all.” (Schell, 1982) The central purpose of this essay is to challenge the conventional wisdom about nuclear proliferation; that nuclear weapons do indeed induce a greater stability amongst international politics however this does not justify countries to continue nuclear arms proliferation with seemingly no endless bounds. However despite this it is naïve to declare that a world without nuclear weapons would be without peace either. Nuclear weapons are more than just symbols of destruction and chaos but however hold far more important roles in international politics. They are at the forefront of national security and hold considerable importance in domestic debates and internal bureaucratic struggles and serve as international normative symbols of modernity and identity and as such have to be treated with utmost care and with a sense of supreme responsibility by countries that hold them.…
R2P can give rise to the use of force through ‘third pillar’ measures, however critics of have often called upon the possibilities for its perversion in justifying imperialist state behaviour. For instance, a speech given at the General Assembly Thematic Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect 2009 outlined the issues in R2P as the notions of ‘manifestly failing’ significantly sharpen the UN Charter Article 42. The issue raised in this was that the Security Council could not be considered a ‘neutral arbiter’ of international law whose members’ own sovereign interests were often vested from global security. For instance, the US is not party the Rome Statute 1998, its political will is likely to be vested to unilaterally respond to mass atrocity crimes as to not see the deterrent value of the ICC and the pressures for the US to ratify it heightened. The parallels of an R2P in the charters of IGOs reaffirm the disapproval for unilateral intervention from ‘hegemonial’ states. For instance, the Organisation of American States Doctrine bars intervention ‘for any reason whatever’ due to the membership of the ‘superpowers of the north’ that may infringe on its sovereignty, whilst The…
The US propelled atomic weapons in the mornings of August sixth and August ninth of 1945 to Japan, producing a huge number of honest deads, without tallying the back ones caused by the radiation that was in the place. Atomic weapons are probably the most huge executing gadgets weapons that have ever existed. This weapon can burn people that are in the epicenter of the bomb and the spots encompassing it in not more than seconds. This weapon ought to be dispensed with from earth since it is a peril to the planet and people, a reality that is much more terrible than creating a few many years of "worldwide peace". Likewise, it is an unfeeling approach to murder a person, that is against to any sort of good esteem.…
In lieu of a slow economy recovery and highly competitive local market, mid-size companies should take advantage of opportunities in the global markets by getting involved in the international stage. There is no doubt that there is an imminent risk of expanding any business to foreign countries, especially given the fact that there are different cultural, geographic, and political differences. Business leaders who do not increase their sight to global markets are very likely to fall behind their competitive edge or peers.…
As long as civilizations have existed on the Earth the issue of war and peace has always been at the forefront of how different cultures and societies interact with one another. As warfare became more advanced technologically, the ability to cause more death and devastation increased exponentially. Never was this more evident than at the aftermath of World War Two; with over 60 million people dead in its wake World War Two was the single most deadly military conflict in history. Borne out of this conflict the major victors of the war and world leaders came to the consensus that humanity could not sustain another mass conflict. To prevent another mass global conflict the United Nations was established as the international organization that would be committed to world peace and universal cooperation. Over the years the United Nations has played important role in international relations and diplomacy. Since its establishment the main purpose for the United Nations (U.N.) has been to diplomatically resolve disagreement between nations before conflicts escalate and to safe guard human rights and dignity globally. Unfortunately, the U.N. has consistently failed to live up to its mandate and will continue to do so because of its blatant failures to prevent genocides, its inability to resolve conflicts and the its dysfunctional structuring that enables the permanent Security Council to dominate the dominate the organization.…