(a) Nuclear superiority of a radical state Iran will provoke global hegemony
(b) China economic wealth growth a threat to the US
(c) Egypt and Jordan political instability of the Middle East effect of the uprising a threat to democratic ties with Israel
(d) United Nations majority power states actors are against Israel (conflict with US) threat The United States is decreasing their title of been the strongest global power in today’s 21st century. As global states actors of the elite competitors in economics, and political religion radical actor’s states plays a part in the majority of UN politics and world events growing interest against the West and Israel non democratic states. Free trade and free flow of oil from the Middle East have been consistently portrayed by U.S. foreign policy elites as the equivalent of national security but for how long? Stephen M. Walt, “The End of An American Era”, Professor of
References: Mearsheimer, John J., “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”, New York: W. W. Norton, 2001 Walt, Stephen M.“The End of the American Era” The Nations Interest. (NOV-DEC 2011 issue) October 25, 2011 Copyright ©2010 The National Interest. All rights reserved. John Rubino (October 9, 2012) The dollar collapse.com (http://dollarcollapse.com/dollar-5/china-russia-and-the-end-of-the-petrodollar/)Copyright © DollarCollapse.com Waltz, Kenneth N. (1979) Theory of International Politics. Reading: Addison-Wesley