Global History & Geography HW#3
Ms. Pistone Pgs. 181-187 Q# 1, 2, 3
1. Terms & Names
Han Dynasty: a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 202 B.C. to A.D. 9 and again from A.D. 23 to 220.
Centralized government: a government in which power is concentrated in a central authority to which local governments are subject.
Civil service: the administrative departments of a government-especially those in which employees are hired on the basis of their scores on examinations.
Monopoly: a group’s exclusive control over the production and distribution of certain goods.
Assimilation: the adoption of a conqueror’s culture by a conquered people.
2. Taking Notes
Create a spider map to record the methods that Han rulers used to centralize the government.
The method I think that was most important was Liu Bang lowering taxes and softening harsh punishments because people throughout the empire appreciated the peace and stability that he brought to China.
3. Identifying Problems
I think the economic and social problems were most responsible for weakening the Han Dynasty’s power. The economic imbalance was caused by customs that allowed the rich to gain more wealth at the expense of the poor. Since each generation of a farmer inherits a smaller plot than the original, this makes it a hard time for farmers to raise enough food to sell or even feed the family. Because of this, small farmers often went into debt and had to borrow money from large landowners, who charged very high interest rates. If the farmer couldn’t pay back the debt, the landowner took possession of the farmer’s land. Since large land owners were not required to pay taxes, when their land holdings