I. Introduction about global warming. 1. What global warming is. 2. General views on global warming. II. Some global warming causes. 1. Using transportation and burning fuels. 2. Deforestation 3. Landfills 4. Population III. Effects 1. Rising sea level. 2. Drought and flood. 3. Weather patterns changes. 4. Ecosystem IV. Solutions 1. Stop deforestation 2. Use public transportations 3. Plant forests 4. Developing low carbon technologies. 5. Propagandize 6. Switch off gadgets when not in use V. Conclusion
Nowadays global warming is the hot topic which is discussed many times and times. Obviously there is no one magic solution to the problem of global warming. People are facing with many problems from global warming. It is nearly to the rate of alarming, therefore people should pay more attention to environment if they don’t want to disappear because of losing soil, rising sea level, melting ice, and animals extinction. So, recognizing global warming is an urgent problem I decide to choose it as a topic for my essay. My essay will conclude 5 parts about global warming: introduction about global warming, its causes, effects, solutions and conclusion. Certainly, my essay could make a mistake or lack of information, I expect that you could give your comment and suggestion for me to make my essay full and completed. I. Introduction about global warming. 1. What is global warming?
For sure, you have heard a lot of about global warming in recent years. However I will give you more information about it. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth 's atmosphere and oceans. It has begun since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth 's mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F), with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. It is primarily