Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. This essay will discuss the main causes and effects of global warming.
One of the main causes of Global warming is the carbon dioxide emissions, which comes from the burning of gasoline from the engines of cars, buses and other vehicles. Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam is considered to be the most seriously affected by this problem. Carbon dioxide emissions also comes from the burning of the fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal for the purpose of electricity generation.
The second major cause is methane, which is another contributor to the greenhouse effects. Mining for coals and oil releases methane in the atmosphere. Moreover, the leakage from natural gas fields and landfills are additional source of methane. When methane exists in the air for a long time, it can become carbon dioxide that leads to increased greenhouse effects.
Now we will discuss the effects that global warming brings to the Earth.
The first effect concerns climate change. Higher temperature makes ice melt, causing sea level rising. According to (Oskin, 2013), modern West Antarctica is one of the fastest-warming places on the planet and the middle of West Antarctica has warmed by 4.4 degrees Fahrenheit (2.4 degrees Celsius) since 1958, three times as fast as the overall rate of global warming. It is also known that some islands have disappeared from being covered by water. Scientists predict an increase in sea levels worldwide due to the melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, especially on the //East coast of the U.S. However, many nations around the world will experience the effects of //rising sea levels, which could displace millions of people. One nation, //the Maldives, is already looking for a new home due to rising sea levels. (Markham, 2009).